There is an unseen source of daily suffering that is the constant companion of humanity. It is in one respect one of the great driving forces behind the darkness that encompasses this planet -- the unremitting wars, the violence, the greed, the fear, the desperation -- all the things we see in the world around us...
In this short video, Guy talks about how revisiting the past is a present pain that produces more unnecessary, useless suffering. Catch the temptation to revisit the past and realize a life that is being fulfilled and completed in the present moment.
To believe that we’re only as worthwhile as others agree to see us burdens us with feeling that winning the good opinion of others is somehow our responsibility. Such a mistaken mindset leaves us the perennial victim of our relationships, and never the victor in them. The only way we can be released from any painful sense of false responsibility is to see that it is based in a false belief...
There are unique challenges for the human being who wants to have a relationship with the source of his or her being. We try to control events outside of us in a futile attempt to find a fearless life, when our energy would be better spent attending to our inner lives. Yet at the same time we are in a body and we do need to take care of our basic householder responsibilities...
Either we live in the freedom that we know is real -- choosing to embody it in the moment, regardless of the cost -- or we wave a flag called "liberty tomorrow" and suffer the indignity of serving what has already betrayed us.
In this short talk, Guy Finley talks about how it is possible to give all of ourselves to something that we love to do, and yet at the same time have no painful attachment to the outcome of our endeavor.
In this short video clip, Guy Finley explains that because children learn mainly from visual cues and emotional signals, the best and most effective way to teach them is by being a living example of the understanding that we wish to impart.
Guy Finley explains that being a good householder means that we are able to properly attend to what is practical before what is pleasing. By placing ourselves in right relationship with our responsibilities, we become better able to discern our true needs, and realize that all we receive from life is ultimately for the good.
As we realize that there is no way that painful concern can positively affect any outcome, we drop that concern, and bit by bit, we begin to hear what real life has been trying to tell us all along.
Guy Finley responds to a question about the spiritual potential of autistic children, and reveals that the true responsibility of a caregiver is to first live up to their own potential.
One reason why negative states sneak in so easily to steal our peace is that we have been conditioned to believe in their right to punish us.