Compassion for others starts with the understanding that every human being on the planet looks different from us -- because physically we are different -- but inwardly we all live in the same pool. We all have pain and pleasure, we all share emotions that move in waves through that pool. People may live on the east bank of the pool so that the waves they know are different from the waves we know on the west bank, but if we look close enough...
As a race of beings, we have become completely complicit in the pain that visits us. A thought from the past pops up and punishes us. Someone says something we don't like, and we try to punish them and feel the pain of the blame that we place on them. There is an endless series of relationships with a part of our own nature that has convinced us that the pain is produced by a condition outside of us...
"Father, forgive them: for they know not what they do." Guy Finley explains that real forgiveness is an act of realizing the similarity between yourself and those that have caused you suffering, because you understand they suffer in the exact same way that you do. The scripture "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do" points to this type of "immaculate compassion" towards others which...
Anytime you blame someone else for how you feel, you avoid seeing your pain is self-inflicted by a level of consciousness that lives to have enemies.
Every creature in nature has work that nature has given them to do. They must do this work in order to survive. They have no choice, and their work doesn't end until their bodies pass. There is no stress or fear in what they are given to do. We as human beings also have work that we have been asked to do in this world, both practical and for the sake of spirit.
To change what we receive from life, we must have a new perception of it, beginning with new ideas about it.
Seldom do we know a greater need for making a fresh start than in those mind-numbing moments when we find ourselves feeling thrown for a loss. These feelings of loss often leave an unconscious, invisible residue of fear which tends to taint every area of our lives with distasteful timidity, born of the neurotic suspicion that in some way, life is conspiring to take something away from us. Bu...
Other people do not create any disturbance we feel in the relationship. They are revealing to us in that moment the part of us that lays in the dark and waits to get disturbed so it can hide behind the cloud of war.
In this excerpt from an hour-long seminar, Guy Finley explains that "starting over" is not something that happens by creating a better set of circumstances for ourselves, but is instead a higher level of self, expressed through being in conscious relationship with a timeless order of your own consciousness. The full replay of this class is available in Guy's Online Wisdom School, GuyFinleyNow...
Feeling compelled to act as the judge and jury of another for failing to exhibit some desirable characteristic or quality, proves the absence of that quality in ourselves.
When we apply a label such as "passive aggressive" to someone who bothers us, we cease to have direct contact with that person and instead meet them only through that idea, which prevents any kind of learning. We must work instead to allow the revelation of the nature that has been disturbed within us so we can see the fear that hides beneath it.
In this excerpt from an hour-long seminar that Guy Finley presented on Sunday 2/15/17, he explains why our relationships are the most untapped resource on the planet when it come to our spiritual growth. The full replay of this class is available in Guy's Online Wisdom School,, where you can join other true aspirants from around the world as we work to understand and embody th...