There are in existence, as part of creation, extraordinary primordial opposites. We know them as darkness and light, expansion and contraction, attraction and resistance. We don't know anything about resistance. What we know is to be ruled by resistance in our lives, instead of recognizing it as being part of a creative force meant for us to develop.
In this answer to a viewer's question, "letting go" author Guy Finley shares some insights about staying present as the observer of fast and furious thoughts, as opposed to getting pulled down into their world.
Will you speak more about how resistance can be our ally to make peace with what is incomplete? How we can remain open when we feel attacked in that moment, not later when the light goes on and I hit my forehead, seeing the test to see if I learned to be open?
What is it, then, that balances? What is that which allows this nature -- this divided nature, this nature that works in opposites -- what is it that would permit it the peace it seeks? What is it that creates balance in a human being?
"Letting go" author Guy Finley talks about how, most of the time, we don't know what to do in unwanted moments other than resist those moments. Resistance to whatever pains us does not separate us, let alone liberate us from that pain. In truth it binds us to the unconscious nature that creates it. Become the witness to the consciousness instead of the captive of it.
Stop overthinking and start seeing! In this helpful Q&A with Guy Finley he addresses the question of why we need to stop overthinking about how to solve the problems in our life and instead use disturbances to see the real problem, which is that we're addicted to thinking about ourselves.
In this answer to a viewer's question, "letting go" author Guy Finley talks about how there is no chance for anything to change for the better as long as we shut our eyes to events that run counter to what our minds say should be happening.
There is no consumptive negative state in the consciousness without resistance being the "goo" it grows out of -- something black and dark pulling and pushing on you. And in the moment that dark state starts to swallow you, when you're starting to feel sorry for yourself, or you're trying to figure out what to do about something because you're asleep to yourself, all you know to do is to push back...
In this answer to a viewer's question, "Secret of Letting Go" author Guy Finley explains that -- spiritually and psychologically speaking -- the only thing that makes us feel inadequate is resistance to the condition that we find ourselves in.
In this short talk, bestselling "letting go" author Guy Finley explains that the feeling of being stuck is not actually due to the event that we perceive as being outside of ourselves. What really has us stuck is a mind that perceives life as it does, and then resists its own perception.
We must learn what it means to become unfixed from negative states, and we will when we realize that the sense of self we derive from them is worthless. It's not based on anything real, and it has no permanence because with time all states pass. We value negative states because of the strong sense of self we get from them. This may be very difficult for us to see, but a strong light...
In this video, bestselling inner-life author Guy Finley explains how resisting something is the same as placing your attention on the very thing that you say you don't want.