We all want the comfort of knowing that there are things we can count on, that there is something in this life permanent. Yet, everything seems to slip away from us; people, places, and events all change. And as they go so does our sense of security, leaving us once again seeking something to give us a permanent sense of well-being. There is a cure for this seemingly endless longing. It is a spiritual one...
We all want the comfort of knowing that there are things we can count on, that there is something in this life permanent. Yet, everything seems to slip away from us; people, places, and events all change. And as they go so does our sense of security, leaving us once again seeking something to give us a permanent sense of well-being. There is a cure for this seemingly endless longing...
How is it possible for a man or woman to be both prisoner and, without ever knowing it, his or her own prison maker at the same time? Each time the me mind envisions some future event, it's actually trying to find a feeling of security for itself. But the only security this lower nature can ever know is imaginary. So it has to dream up one scene after another where somehow you'll come out a winner...
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Topics covered: For things to change, familiar reactions need to be met with something different than what you usually meet them with. You are going to have to meet the moment with something that does not repeat itself; You are going to have to change that moment as you enter into it, not after it has happened; The Divine junction is the place where the Will of Heaven touches the will of earth.
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Student Talks: 12/06/2024 - The spiritual journey is not a movement through time, as if one travels from "here to there"; rather, it is an indwelling realization of the interaction of celestial forces giving birth to an immaculate conception; and where, for one's awareness of this relationship, one's sense of self ceases to be a mere effect – an unconscious byproduct born of being identified with some passing event – and instead, one begins to realize oneself as a partner in the Divine revelation of Life.
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Student Talks: 11/01/2024 - Key Lesson: Realize the Divine Order of Life at Work in You and Watch Fear and Worry Disappear
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Classroom Talk: 10/16/2024 - In time, with enough struggle and effort, we can make of ourselves a momentary ruler of whatever kingdom we set out to create; but only when - and as - we learn what it means to rule ourselves do we lose nothing when that kingdom fades away...as must all creations in time.
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Classroom Talk: 9/18/2024 - There is no emptiness; there is no fullness. There is only their dance, in an endless turning. Open your eyes! See how they reel 'round and 'round, becoming the other without losing a step. Join the gathering. Everyone's invited, and it's free.
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Topics covered: It is the things that we are identified with -- that we don't know we are identified with -- that are the basis of old fears; It should be obvious that the purpose of our life cannot have anything to do with what the mind thinks the purpose of life is about; It is what you discover about this life -- not what we take from it -- that is meaningful and everlasting...
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Student Talks: 12/30/2022 - Key Lesson: How can we ever hope to be at peace with life when -- for the most part -- all we know to live for is the endless struggle to carve out a piece of it for ourselves?
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