We struggle as best we can to free ourselves from dark unwanted states but invariably find ourselves short of the mark. Slowly but surely, one thing becomes clear: we start to see that calling upon who and what we have been to save us from our suffering is like asking a windstorm to neatly pile our autumn leaves.
Love exists. She is never not present although her life-giving presence is rarely perceived, much in the same way as we breathe in air moment to moment barely noticing the gift of life it sustains. Nothing exists without Love. She is the secret Heart of all. These are not just words. They are an introduction to an Invitation created when Time began. To what are we invited? To know that we are already a measure of Love's Timeless Life...
What is sacrifice? Letting Go Author Guy Finley gives a new perspective on the idea of conscious sacrifice. Real sacrifice isn't having to make the difficult choice to let something go, but choosing instead to let go of my identification with it. As my understanding of "what is sacrifice" grows, I see what I'm really giving up is a fearful self, which makes it the perfect sacrifice.
Each spring great forces are released to work upon and within us. During this time of the year the possibility of making a brand new beginning in life is never greater. Why is this true? Because spring also "dawns" within us, and if we will align ourselves with the power of its presence, then working for us is the unstoppable principle of rebirth itself. But, if we would receive this new life...
In this answer to a viewer's question, "letting go" author Guy Finley explains that it is possible to know and experience higher forms of love only when we allow everything we come into contact with -- including our so-called enemies -- to introduce us to the parts of ourselves that we would never discover otherwise.
The power of being unconditionally kind towards those who unconsciously hurt us is just one of the gifts of higher love. In a way, it gives our heart "eyes" that can see what they were blind to before. For example, by its light we're able to see that the needs of others are really the same as our own, an insight that makes it impossible to mistake their pain as being somehow less...
What do we have to do to change the balance sheet of our lives so that for every measure of impatience and intolerance there may be at least an equivalent sum of compassion and consideration? With few exceptions, the usual focus of our attention and interactions with others is centered on our self and the fulfillment of its desires. The mindset of this lower consciousness...
Growing into the worlds above us - realizing the higher realms of consciousness within us -- requires that we outgrow the worlds beneath us. This is the great model, the matrix of reality, as it is reflected from above to below. There are no exceptions to or exemptions from its rule or purpose. Any appearance to the contrary is just that, and whenever we break this rule ...
In this short talk, Guy Finley talks about how real freedom is finally found when we are willing to go through the pain of doing what is right.
In any relationship, the one who is hurt most by the absence of compassion is the one in whom compassion is absent.
In this short talk, Guy Finley explains that "practicing the presence of God" is connected to understanding that you don't have anything more important to do than to simply be where you are.
In this short talk, Guy Finley explains that any state which we call "love" that does not include some kind of sacrifice is actually a secret form of self-glorification.