Almost every day I receive a letter, an e-mail, or phone call from an aspirant who wants to know, essentially, the following: "What must I do to succeed spiritually?" Or, in a slight variation on that theme: "What's the right way to do what I must in order to awaken?"
I am always surprised by your strength -- by how happy I am to be too weak to do anything except completely accept you. What is this power of yours? How shall I understand it? Are you a Gathering Force? When you come, do you collect all the parts of me that have wandered off high and low looking for you... somehow drawing them all into one place wherein their deep peace is that they once again know that they need never look for anything...
In this answer to a viewer's question, "letting go" author Guy Finley explains that we are working for the wrong master whenever our intention is to gain a worldly reward as the result of our work. When we work for the right master, the reward is always a new relationship with the moment and a revelation of something that we didn't know was true about ourselves.
In this answer to a viewer's question, Guy talks briefly about the original meaning and intent of "religion," and how it applies practically in our daily lives.
Have you ever looked down at a sidewalk or parking lot and marveled at a single blade of grass that had somehow found the will and the way to break through the pavement and out into the fresh air and sunlight? When we think of a titanic struggle, we don't usually think of a little seed of grass buried in the darkness and fighting to get out in the light. And yet, even though we may...
Can we see how, in one form or another, everything in creation longs to touch and to be touched? Flowers and trees stretch their leaves and limbs up to the sun, just as it reaches down to touch them. After all, to what end the timeless nature of such radiance, if not to grant life to whatever forms it temporarily animates?
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Being in conscious relationship with what is Holy in life is only as possible as we are willing to see, and to be, accordingly, the whole of who and what we are in each moment.
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Student Talks: 9/27/2024 - Key Lesson: You are a creation of the Deep; drawn to explore not just an unknowable mystery, but to take an unimaginable journey into the depths of an unnameable Being...and all without having to take a single step outside of yourself.
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