Our experience in life is what it is teaching us: that the whole business of reaching for what we do and the way we do it is incapable of producing the perfection that our heart is looking for. What is it about seeing a great performer, a great athlete, a great mind that makes them seem so special? Is it what they have been able to bring into their lives as a result of what they love? Or is it the love itself that the person has become an expression of?
The universe is a work being continually perfected; though unseen, it is justice, compassion in action. Those who resist and resent what comes their way -- who fight with its unending waves that rock their contrived sense of reality -- are actually the ones who live without real choice. They must serve their struggle to resolve the sense of loss that comes each time the world changes without first having consulted them.
We don't typically have much awareness of what is timeless because we are usually the prisoner of a mind that is seeking to become something in time. However, it is possible to see -- without taking thought -- that everything eternal is already in perfect harmony. This means that we can stop struggling uselessly to put the Universe back into order.
Which would you rather have: a treasure room that is filled with an old potato, a worn-out shoe, and a dented can of Spam... or a room filled with precious stones, rare silks, and a chest of gold? It seems like a silly question, and yet... why do you choose a mind and heart filled with dark thoughts, anxiety, anger, and self-doubt when you could have a mind and heart...
Somewhere in a remote region of the Southwestern United States, a park ranger was seated in his high tower. It overlooked the deep canyons and ravines that ran through the national park where he'd worked for the past twenty years. Looking out over the terrain through his binoculars, he could see a thunderstorm gathering in the west and knew it was only a matter of minutes until a flash flood w...
For the man or woman who persists with the wish for Truth/God to be first in life, there really is no such thing as failure.
We are spiritually free when we no longer want anything to do with sitting in judgment of others, regardless of their perceived transgression.
[Video] The moment you've been waiting for is here. It's your turn to be one of the very few men and women -- perhaps 1 in 100,000 -- who have found the greatest treasure on earth. Announcing the worldwide release of best selling author Guy Finley's new book "The Secret of Your Immortal Self: Key Lessons for Realizing the Divinity Within." Here's your chance to master an extraordinary kind of...
In this short talk, Guy Finley talks about how we are introduced to our own higher possibilities whenever we are willing to be awake to what the present moment wants to reveal to us about ourselves.
When at last we see how our present sense of self is little more than a derivative of relationships with things outside of us, and realize that most of our pain is the negative byproduct of these unseen attachments, we start to want to have our own life.
Real self-command dawns within us as we realize that reliving the past is powerless to change a present misunderstanding.
The only way to leave the world of feeling sorry for yourself is to deliberately leave the world of thought.