Most of us hold the unquestioned belief that our hearts and minds are at peace before one of life's "waves" washes in to disturb us. But if we take away the prejudice of self-pleasing images -- and add the ease with which we are disturbed by unwanted moments -- we have good cause to suspect something entirely different about ourselves. Could a truer view of what takes place in such times of...
No moment can be different than it is. We can't change a moment that comes. The moment (and its content) appears from within us, before us, and we are relegated to being able to see it but not to change the very thing that we're looking at as it appears. So that whether we like it or not actually means nothing.
The next time you run into some familiar blockage or begin to feel unsuited to face some new and difficult personal challenge, don't do what you've always done before. Don't try to think your way around it. You no longer want a way around your troubles because what goes around, comes around! What you want is to grow beyond the level of that disturbance. And to do that, you must not act from it.
"Letting go" author Guy Finley talks about how, most of the time, we don't know what to do in unwanted moments other than resist those moments. Resistance to whatever pains us does not separate us, let alone liberate us from that pain. In truth it binds us to the unconscious nature that creates it. Become the witness to the consciousness instead of the captive of it.
In this short clip Guy Finley reveals what "made in the image of God" means. When a student asks how to heal from "soul wounds," Guy explains that the soul can't be wounded because it is a microcosm of creation itself and a reflection of all that is made in the image of God.
Have you ever heard within you, not necessarily in words, something to the effect of "Oh no, not this again!"? Perhaps we're looking at the latest flame of our heart and we see a fire in his or her eyes, but it's not because they are looking at us. In that moment we no longer see the moment unfold as it is, but rather we stand there transfixed -- experiencing the moment as we are; and we are not really present!
In this answer to a viewer's question, "Secret of Letting Go" author Guy Finley explains that the authority of negative states such as depression will gradually come to an end when we clearly see and understand the part of us that derives its life from wallowing in the negativity.
In this answer to a viewer's question, "Secret of Letting Go" author Guy Finley explains that real meditation involves being present to both the interior world as well as the exterior world at the same time. That presence is the center of all things.
All of our life experiences have been trying to teach us a certain grand lesson: Liberation from our captive condition (whatever that may be in the moment) cannot come by further deliberating it. We can see the wisdom in doing nothing toward our own troubled thoughts and feelings when we realize that the only way not to be dragged under by these negative states is to stay...
There is a higher relationship that has nothing to do with anything personal at all. It is the realization of the existence of strength, of majestic beauty, of power... and that realization is inseparable from the consciousness in which it appears. And that consciousness isn't personal. It belongs to what is Divine in a human being and it is a gift of the Divine.
Whenever there is an unconscious inner dialog going on in our heads, we are actually looking in a mirror that we don't know is a mirror. And what we see in our mind's eye talks to us about what we must make ourselves into so that we might finally find rest and be at peace. Freedom from the dark inner dialog begins by seeing that the "self" that is talking to us only exists as long as we...
From this day forward, be a careful observer of the moving pictures in your own mind. Learn to watch all the various scenes without casting yourself as any of the players on the screen. Remember, nothing you see in that darkened theater is who you really are.