In this answer to a viewer's question, "letting go" author Guy Finley dives deeply into the concepts of "joy and happiness," noting the important distinction between imagined "joy" and the kind of joy that is the natural outcome of life's authentic wholeness. Imagined joy turns into painful resistance to anything that interferes with the image. Seeing this with more and more clarity is freedom from the stressful compulsion to pursue an imagined happiness.
In this question and answer session, Guy explains that not wanting to see something about ourselves actually attaches us to the very thing that we say we don't want. So the task is not to change what we see. Instead, the task is to observe ourselves so that we can be changed by the very awareness that is observing.
Wishing to be free, without taking action toward our intention, is meaningless; we must employ the truths we uncover, or we will never realize the possibility of their true power, which is to help us walk away from what has been wrecking us. But with this new understanding in mind we must also realize that the truth that sets us free is not for hire; it does not so much "work" for us as...
The next time that life comes knocking with what you "don't want," instead of allowing yourself to be dragged through the old round-around, make these three new choices, and watch how they dismiss the darkness knocking at your door: Your first choice (always!) is to come wide-awake to yourself. Remember: Your new aim is to not allow old, mechanical reactions..."
Plants in nature are created to be heliotropic, which makes it possible for them to receive the greatest amount of life-giving light that is possible. We could say that flowers, grasses and trees keep their "attention" on the sun for as long as they can. We on the other hand, are currently not heliotropic. We are self-tropic. As we are now we follow our own thoughts. We give our attention to what...
Why is it so fulfilling to just sit and watch a child playing, or a dog running, or some other creature having a good time? The answer is because it's all part of our consciousness. We're not actually separate from what we are seeing, and to miss that understanding is to miss being part of the whole of that consciousness.
In this excerpt from an online Q&A with Guy, he explains to an attendee that as negativity subsides, the heart's natural capacity to feel returns.
Here are just ten small places in our lives where we are trying to do the impossible -- struggling to do what cannot (and need not) be done -- and where, because of our misunderstanding, we unknowingly hurt ourselves.
Guy Finley explains our role in finding real fulfillment and purpose.
In this excerpt from a talk given on Sunday December 11th 2016, "Secret of Letting Go" author Guy Finley talks about the three wishes of every spiritual aspirant and what's required to fulfill them. The full replay of this class is available in Guy's Online Wisdom School,, where you can join other true aspirants from around the world as we work to understand and embody these t...
The more we believe, as we are inclined to do, that there exists something outside of us with the power to make us happy and whole, the more attached we become to these imposter ideas and those deceptive desires that weave into our hearts.
Announcing the worldwide release of best selling author Guy Finley's new book "The Secret of Your Immortal Self: Key Lessons for Realizing the Divinity Within." Here's your chance to master an extraordinary kind of wisdom unlike anything you've ever heard before... and receive 5 free gifts from Guy. Click here for details.