In this short talk, Guy explains that nothing outside of yourself is punishing you. What is punishing you is your own resistance to what it feels like when people are rude, crude, or unkind. You want to blame others for the pain that you are in. See the resistance. Be aware of the pain of resisting. Be aware of the pain of blaming. The more you can be aware of that pain, the more unwilling you will be to lend yourself over to the demand that others...
In this answer to a viewer's question, "letting go" author Guy Finley talks about how children learn more from us because of who we are, from the communication of our actual nature, than from anything that we say.
The idea of Mother's Day is beautiful, but it is not meant to simply celebrate our mothers with false sentimentality. It is meant to be a reminder of humility, receptivity, and an openness to receive and conceive the new birth within ourselves.
"Secret of Letting Go" author Guy Finley explains what Mothers Day represents spiritually, and what a real "Mothers Day" actually is.
Guy Finley explains that you can't change a situation you don't want without first changing the nature that got you into it in the first place. Unless that nature changes you'll fall back into the same patterns and attract the same people and unwanted events. Seeing the situation from a higher view reveals the lower level you've been acting from. Then real change can happen.
Through our willingness to work deliberately at placing our usual self in "second place," we agree not only to change the way we see our relationships, but we also agree to be changed by the truths our new relationships will inevitably show us about us.
Guy Finley explains that anyone who remains in an abusive relationship of any kind does so only because of his or her own weakness and unconscious agreement. As we work to separate ourselves inwardly from the false belief that we cannot live without the acknowledgement of others, we will come to know true inner freedom no matter what our exterior conditions may be.
In this short video clip, Guy Finley explains that because children learn mainly from visual cues and emotional signals, the best and most effective way to teach them is by being a living example of the understanding that we wish to impart.
Guy Finley responds to a question about the spiritual potential of autistic children, and reveals that the true responsibility of a caregiver is to first live up to their own potential.
In this short talk, Guy Finley talks about three stages in the life of a spiritual aspirant: first we explore the world, then we develop into good householders, and then if we are truly fortunate, the remaining years of our lives are spent in the pure pursuit of developing an authentic relationship with the Divine.
I know I should not worry about certain things in life; however, what am I to do when loved ones have chosen things that are not in keeping with the things that they have learned? What can I do to keep them safe and to guide them back on the right road? Inner work is not about trying not to worry. It is about seeing that worry doesn't work. How can a person who gives away his or her own lif...
**As a result of my deepening interest in truthful ideas, quite a few of my friends feel I have gone off the deep end, and I have noticed a growing separation between us as I work more and more for my own spiritual freedom. It is not that I don't care for them, but rather I am becoming less concerned about the things that have always driven all of us. My fear is they will eventually want to ha...