Awakening to Real Life occurs in direct proportion to waking up from our own sleeping nature -- a fact which brings us face to face with some of life's oldest and greatest spiritual mysteries. The myth of the phoenix, the riddle of the sphinx, even the story of Christ's birth in a dimly lit stable of barnyard animals... all point to the existence of one nature dwelling in the midst of another...
Our eyes see what they do through a reflection of what the light itself reveals. The light sees the reflection of itself. Everything is a reflection of the Divine, and our role is to be the instrument through which revelation can take place.
Seas become shores, Shores become seas: They exchange places In the flow of Time But...not in Eternity.
Topics covered: Tapping Into The Powerful Resource of Effective Prayer; Our life moment to moment is a ceaseless interaction with a matrix of divine and earthly energies that always respond in appropriate measure to whatever we as human beings put forth into that life; Prayer is for the betterment and perfection of ourselves, but it also serves unknowingly as the source of a punishment if we're not aware of ourselves...
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Topics covered: The recovery of our true self begins with the realization that we have never known what our self really is; You are the answer you are looking for. The role of a true teacher is to welcome you with one hand and push you away with the other; Humanity shoots an arrow randomly and then draws the bullseye around wherever it lands; No human being gets negative without being in a dream.
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Topic: End the Pain of Always Feeling Apart from Life (7/22/20 Classroom Talk)
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Classroom Talk: 7/22/2020 - Higher Life lessons that reveal and help us realize our True Self are not the effect of passing events; rather, life's events serve these teachings of the timeless kind. This proves that these lessons are, in fact, eternal in nature, and that they exist before any moment calls them to our attention!
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Topics Covered: We're drawn to what we're drawn to for the purpose of discovery; Everything we will ever know or ever be is already in our soul; Your soul is seeded with the love of something for the purpose of self-knowledge; Love sees to it that love develops; We love the pleasure of tomorrow, but the pain we experience cannot be separated from that dream...
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This content is only available with Premium Membership
This content is only available with Premium Membership