In this short clip Guy Finley reveals what "made in the image of God" means. When a student asks how to heal from "soul wounds," Guy explains that the soul can't be wounded because it is a microcosm of creation itself and a reflection of all that is made in the image of God.
In this Q&A Guy Finley explains that what we really fear being judged is what we have imagined ourselves to be and what we then think we need to do to protect what we've imagined.
In this short video, Guy explains that trying to be a spiritual person through any idea about what it means to be awakened will lead to discouragement. Stop trying to be awakened. Instead, start seeing where you are asleep. This is not about living up to an imagined state. It is about dying to the illusion that you are what you imagine yourself to be.
We don't know that we walk around with our mind literally looking at the world around us through our eyes full of darkness. And the darkness that our eyes are full of is imagination and the self that it generates. Unattended imagination relies on what it imagines in order to bring into existence a simultaneously imagined self. It is the most dangerous force in the world, because anything that...
We say that we want things to change, but we usually seek a change that we can recognize. If what we want is a change that we can recognize, then we must have an image of what change actually is. And if we are imagining what change is, then it is no change at all, but is instead part of a consciousness that is trying to escape itself through yet another plan.
Outgrowing the problems created in the way we think begins with realizing the need to not only understand the nature of these invisible building blocks known as our thoughts, but to be able to peer into the structure of the invisible world these same thoughts create.
There's an old Zen saying "first there is a mountain, then there is no mountain, then there is a mountain" which alludes to the fact that problems are not outside of us but are an aspect of one's level of consciousness. The clearer that becomes, that there is no mountain apart from the nature that creates it, then the mountain disappears.
Guy Finley explains that fear is not real any more than the shadow of an object is the object itself. It is merely a projection of a nature that has set itself against what is real. Just as we cannot defeat the hydra by attacking its individual heads, we must work to see and change the nature itself that uses the many heads of fear to divert us from its hiding place in us.
In this short talk, Guy Finley explains that the purpose of true spiritual teachings is to create something real within oneself that is independent of the events of passing time.
In this short talk, "Secret of Letting Go" author Guy Finley discusses the necessity of learning how to properly use two of the most important gifts we have been given: our time and our attention.
Guy Finley talks about how direct self-awareness allows us to experience what is currently interfering with our ability to be in relationship with what is good, true, and beautiful. The more this real self-knowledge is brought into our daily lives, the more we grow into a new mind and begin to realize the timeless, immortal life within.
Who among us hasn't found themselves conjuring up some imagined pleasure when faced with the pain of some contradiction in life that seems greater than our ability to deal with? If we're honest, we can see that most of our time is spent identifying the so-called cause of our discontented conditions, and the rest of our time is taken up trying to change our unwanted situations into what we ima...