The real underlying limitation in our relationships is rooted in how we look at and think about others who are in our life. But, perhaps more accurately stated: the real problem we have with others is what we don't yet see and understand about ourselves!
I'm going to give you five ways to make the most out of every moment of your life. They're very simple ones. Then I'm going to explain each simple one. These actually are presented to you in a specific order because there's a broader story. Whenever I order principles, there's a broader story that's told in the collective understanding of them.
We love to be shown qualities within us that are positive. But love often shows us what is un-loving within us, much as the light of the sun creates shadows. To understand this is to realize that even in the darkest moment of some unwanted revelation, we are never without love; it is always there, even if -- as clouds sometimes hide the sun...
Whenever the right two stones are struck together, a spark will appear; there is a flash of light. This same principle holds true whenever we "collide" with life. In that instant parts of us that we've never seen before are illuminated. For instance, who hasn't crashed into that dreaded moment when we realize that someone we love has had a change of heart toward us?
How do I live with no mind in the present moment is answered by Guy Finley with insights that help you to see the need to be aware of yourself all the times.
All the wisdom you and I will ever need already lives within us. It's just that we are not where the wisdom is. Why? Because we want to be smart! Because we want to know, we want to prove, we want to get, we want to be seen as something special. All human beings with that mindset are fated to suffer themselves, until one day they see this doesn't work. In that same moment the...
There is no "right" road to follow that leads to the realization of one's immortal Self. If we wish to be one with a celestial consciousness, capable of responding with effortless wisdom to any demand -- regardless of its nature, high or low --t hen all images of such a being must be thrown away. St. Paul provides us with the reason why we must agree to die to those parts of us that hope for a higher life to come...
Have you noticed yet that wherever you go, the thing that you don't want the most seems to know where you are? Seriously. It doesn't just know where you are. The Divine has created the conditions under which a reaction will be stirred and brought into your consciousness so that you can finally realize that running from it doesn't change the reality of it. Only bringing it into the light...
In this answer to a viewer's question, Guy explains that setting so-called "boundaries" for yourself is the same as rejecting what the moment would reveal to you about yourself. There is no need to psychologically protect yourself using thought. Conscious awareness of yourself is what offers perfect safety.
If there could be only one idea -- a lamp whose light could show the aspirant of real life the way out of the prison of dark thoughts and punishing feelings -- it would surely be this: your true self doesn't win in life by overpowering problems but by revealing they never really existed as you once believed they did. Truths such as this can be difficult to accept. Tell some people...
What is real luck? The following may surprise you! Have you ever been walking from your kitchen, tripped with a cup of coffee in your hand, and spilled something on the spot? "Oh, look what bad luck. I'm going to have bad luck all day today. I just know it!" Yes or No? Was it bad luck that you spilled your coffee? ..
If we were to take the whole human race and try to see its nature as being one creature, what kind of animal comes to mind for you? For me, the answer is evident: humankind most resembles an ostrich. When a disturbance comes along this creature sticks its head in the sand so as not to see what's taking place. This is not unlike closing our eyes in the hope that an approaching...