What is it that makes us feel powerless when someone does something and it punishes us, or we hear some unwanted news? Let's examine it. Something happens that I don't like, and what am I looking at in that moment? I'm not looking at the thing that I don't like. What I'm "looking at" is the whole condition of myself that feels challenged, threatened by, overcome through whatever it is that it sees. But what does it see other than something that it resists?
What's the first thing we see when we hear news that runs counter to what we want? The evidence suggests we don't really "see" anything at all; instead, our attention is seized, absorbed by a familiar negative reaction whose only wish is that the unwanted moment just go away. This resistance acts within and upon our consciousness as a "blinding" and binding force, so all we can "see" is our own negativity over what we wish wasn't...
Freedom, real freedom, does exist. But it is not a condition of events, nor is it found within another person's approval of us. Neither is real freedom ever a mere effect of circumstances, otherwise it is not freedom but merely a temporary pleasure we have mistaken for being the same as being free...
We're always trying, one way or the other, to grab and maintain something that will make us feel safe and whole forever. The pursuit of that wholeness, of that security, is through what we commonly call "powers." When we think of our security, we think of the powers that we must have to maintain it -- whether it's trying to please other people, trying to have, keep, and gain more possessions, or struggling to get some kind of control over a relationship or...
Welcome into your mind the following insights from Guy Finley's book, 365 Days to Let Go. Taken together they help illustrate and illuminate a grand design in which we first see the wholeness of life -- and then, as our awareness grows about this unfolding story, we enter into its native freedom. We are about to discover that more than being just a part of life's plan, letting go solves the mystery of it. We are about to see how the act of letting go...
In this answer to a viewer's question, "Secret of Letting Go" author Guy Finley explains that nothing in creation flowers before its time. Our task to continue to carry with us the wish to understand, and what we wish to know will be given to us at the right time.
"Letting go" author Guy Finley explains that when a question includes the heart, the mind, and the body together, then the question is no longer in thought. It's no longer just a temporary emotion or sensation. It belongs to another order of being that is connected to a higher order of intelligence that will resolve the question.
It isn't this world that threatens or disturbs us. We are dominated by our own thoughts and feelings. We are taken over by our own reactions. This is painful for us because our original nature, our True Self, longs to be free and unencumbered by self-limiting, self-defeating, compulsive thoughts and feelings. The problem is, at our present undeveloped level, we believe that another person...
You possess unsuspected powers of perception just waiting to be awakened. The following technique will help you get started with this awakening of the Free Mind.
As life pours itself out in the stream of passing time, and we run into challenges seemingly greater than our ability to answer -- each of these encounters "asks" this question of us: "Are you willing to change (who you have been) in order to realize a higher possibility of yourself?" And though moments like these trouble us because of their uncertainty, here's why we should be very grateful...
When you are with someone who is negative and they stir a negative reaction in you, once you understand that they have no awareness of their state, much less see the possibility of stepping into wholeness, you can choose to quietly die to that dark nature within yourself, which is to the mutual benefit of both of you.