Do you feel like you can't embrace anything these days? You go to the store and encounter a scowling face. You hear some bad news, or you get a call, and you have a terrible reaction. You don't want to embrace it. You want to erase it! How many of you wish you had a giant eraser? And isn't that what we've been trying to do most of our lives when things go wrong?...
Negative states don't want to leave. They don't want to lead you to the end of a relationship with them. They want you to follow them so that they remain your guide, and essentially your god. That's what negative states want. So every time you're angry or frightened or worried and those thoughts and feelings are talking to you and you're listening to them and doing as they instruct...
This is your life, and either you want to live in fear or you don't. The only way you can find out that it is possible to live without fear is to see that you currently fall into the hands of a consciousness that is creating the world you don't want. The light that reveals this fact doesn't fear anything because it transforms everything that is brought into it.
Any time we feign anything, we do so out of fear that without that "persona" to protect us--to make that impression we want--we won't get what we want. This whole way of thinking is secret self-sabotage. Your consideration of the two special insights that follow will start you down the path to a whole new kind of self-command.
All of life's innumerable "shake-ups, breakups, and wake-ups" take place within what we call the "present moment." This ever-open window into life--through which we see the newness of life unfolding before us--is something much, much greater than all of the individual events that pass through it to reveal it.
Guy describes an important, pivotal point in an aspirant's work, when you consciously die to the part of you that is afraid of rocking the boat with family and friends and you instead choose to not go along with the actions of others that you know are not in anyone's best interests. This is what it means to die for what you love.
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Topic: Take Conscious Command of Any Challenging Moment (10/27/19 Classroom Talk)
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Topic: Take Conscious Command of Any Challenging Moment (10/27/19 Classroom Talk)
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