How do I help someone in pain? "To support and help someone in pain, the first true thing is always action, not words." Guy Finley explains how working on your own mindfulness and self-awareness can educate you before you give advice to a friend in pain.
In this short video, Guy talks about the existence of an unwavering part of us that is aware of the chaos moving around it, but yet is not attached to any of the movement. This higher consciousness is already at peace.
In this answer to a viewer's question, Guy talks about how we are presently not in charge of our own mind, and what we must do in order to be free of its authority over us.
There is no "self" without relationship. In reality, the observer and the observed do not exist apart from one another. However, in the absence of higher awareness, the lower level of self believes that it is separate from what it sees as being outside of itself. This is the source of suffering. The gift of being able to see that the observer is the observed is the reconciliation and the end...
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Topics covered: Until your attention is free, you are a captive of every condition that your attention falls on. To free your own attention means to possess your own attention; "You never enjoy the world aright till the Sea itself floweth in your veins, till you are clothed with the heavens, and crowned with the stars, and perceive yourself to be the sole heir of the whole world, and more than so, because men are in it who are every one sole heirs as well as you." -- Thomas Traherne (1637 – 1674)
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Student Talks: 2/23/2024 - Key Lesson: The present moment and our awareness of whatever may be passing into and through it are one consciousness, much in the same way as the Eye of The Beholder shares an awareness of both the mirror, and the object it reflects.
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Topics covered: Our struggles to find freedom have not done anything other than set up the next series of conditions that we will find ourselves struggling against; Freedom has nothing to do with overcoming the conditions that we blame our pain on. What we must overcome is the level of consciousness that feels itself to be apart from the conditions that it perceives to be outside of itself; Useless struggle is battling with conditions that seem contrary...
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Student Talks: 9/29/2023 - Key Lesson: True joy is uncalled for; it is like a breeze you didn't know you were waiting for; a silence that speaks of things eternal; (it is) to experience and realize the completion of something within you that you didn't even know was missing.
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Topics covered: Real joy is connected to a new kind of willingness to participate in what we could call "Divine Being"; The consciousness that dreams about greatness does not know anything about true greatness; Everything that the mind thinks is greatness is a poor substitue for the timeless greatness that has already been prepared for you; The joy of being useful is about understanding your role...
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