It's crucial for us to understand that the thrust of our habitual thinking lives with its attention fixed, not on beginnings, but on the end of things. Don't we always wonder what our lives will be like tomorrow? Aren't we forever dreaming about how different things will be once we win this or achieve that? Don't we, in our mind's eye, perpetually walk towards a brighter moment to come, thinking about how good we'll feel once we're able to resolve some...
One of the greatest gifts that a man or woman can be given in this world (and only if they ask properly) is to understand that everything that happens to them - no matter what -- is for their greater good. It makes no difference what it is -- call it the worst thing in the world -- and most of us have had the experience of recognizing there were times when if we could have thrown away that moment full of fear, anger, resentment, we would have thrown it away.
How many times in your life have you acted not just against yourself, but perhaps against others because your actions were uninformed, and you were moved prematurely into a conclusion? Too many times to count really. And most of these premature conclusions had some negative taint to them -- judging somebody, arriving at some insistence based on incomplete information.
In this answer to a viewer's question, bestselling author Guy Finley explains that freedom from fear does not come about through imagining what that freedom is. Our task is to enter into the moment as present to ourselves as we possibly can, and then to allow the intelligence that is inherent in the awareness itself to strengthen our understanding of the true purpose of each moment.
Knowledge, regardless of its sophisticated nature, is a tool. It arises from and belongs to what has passed. As such it embodies, defines, and relates us to life through what we already know is true about the world around us. By definition, this kind of understanding is limited.
How many of us think that there is no individual action that we're ever going to take as a human being that's going to have global impact, even though all of us would like to be a leader or a hero? I want you to understand there is no such thing as an insignificant act on the part of a person who wants to wake up and be a different human being. Every last one of us is endowed..."
There are these moments where a person is introduced to a great clarity that the world they have been looking in, in order to find themselves through, is incapable of revealing the worth they are looking for. This first shock (have you had it, by-the-way?) is when a person realizes, "Uh oh. This is a dead-end. Oh no." And when a person has enough of these moments..."
"Do you know why you want freedom? To know why you want freedom, you must know what you want freedom from. And most of us do not know that idea of 'freedom from' -- other than when we're in a bad relationship. What you want is freedom from pain. You want freedom from fear. Freedom from self-doubt. Freedom from feeling inadequate. Freedom from being alone...."
Guy explains that everything that is created wants to live and will fight to exist, including fear and negativity. If you ever want to have a spiritual healing, you need to understand these types of forces that will do everything they can to ensure their own continuation, and essentially prevent a human being from ever finding freedom.
As life pours itself out in the stream of passing time, and we run into challenges seemingly greater than our ability to answer -- each of these encounters "asks" this question of us: "Are you willing to change (who you have been) in order to realize a higher possibility of yourself?" And though moments like these trouble us because of their uncertainty, here's why we should be very grateful...
The only thing that can happen to you when you're in the wrong place is a wrong thing. But even when you find yourself in a "wrong place" inwardly, you don't have to remain there.