Any person who believes in a passage to heaven as their right for merely professing some belief -- or who asserts he or she is already being one of heaven's bulwarks -- is not just deluded but constitutes a real danger to anyone foolish enough to believe in their assertion of having such privileges.
In this answer to a viewer's question, Guy talks briefly about the original meaning and intent of "religion," and how it applies practically in our daily lives.
In this answer to a viewer's question, Guy talks about the true meaning and purpose of "religion," which is to "reconnect" with a higher level of ourselves that already exists, waiting to be discovered.
Topics covered: What is "the seeker" inside of us; Caring for a parent with dementia; Why is this journey filled with seemingly endless perils and pitfalls; The moment of relationship is the revelation of a character in my consciousness; The prodigal son and the dark night of the soul; What love begins, love will finish the way it wants to finish it; What is the common thread that runs through every aspirant's journey; It is not "I" who remembers God, it is God who remembers I.
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This content is only available with Basic Membership
This content is only available with Basic Membership
Topics covered: For things to change, familiar reactions need to be met with something different than what you usually meet them with. You are going to have to meet the moment with something that does not repeat itself; You are going to have to change that moment as you enter into it, not after it has happened; The Divine junction is the place where the Will of Heaven touches the will of earth.
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Student Talks: 1/5/2024 - Key Lesson: Just as the eyes that see the sun cannot understand its light by which they behold the shape and beauty of all things, neither can the heart understand the love that calls it to know and embrace all things. Eye and heart are creatures in time, but Light and Love are not. Even so, they meet; in their union is the mystery, miracle, and fulfillment of our yet realized Divine possibility.
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Student Talks: 12/29/2023 - Key Lesson: Blessed are those who do (what they do)... for the love of being a part of what they love; but few are those who know this Divine order of love, let alone what it's like to have Love itself as their life partner.
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Topics covered: Love does not appear in a time to come after you get what you want. The Love that we cannot give ourselves is always acting on all of creation; We long to give ourselves to something greater than ourselves, and the longing is placed there within us by what is greater; People are afraid to walk away from things that they think they need to produce for themselves, even though attachment to those very things is the cause of...
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Classroom Talk: 12/24/2023 - Blessed are those who do (what they do)... for the love of being a part of what they love; but few are those who know this Divine order of love, let alone what it's like to have Love itself as their life partner.
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This content is only available with All Access Membership