Let me tell you a little story. An aspirant, someone who wanted to make the discoveries that you and I are interested in, went to the master that she was working with, and wanted to know why it was that her transformation machine -- which was designed to turn lead into gold -- wasn't working the way it was when she saw her master use it. She says to him, "Look. I know it's built the same way. It's got the same parts. What's wrong?...
Anxiety is torment. But we never suspect that the mind that is anxious is anxious because it is trying to bring an end to its own pain... and it can't, because there is no peace in the world of a mind set against itself. The problem is that we are born into a world where, within a very short time, we each have our own inner "personal attendant." This attendant has two things in its hands...
Have you ever experienced a barrage of pressing thoughts telling you what you need to do in order to make a problem go away? All of those frantic thoughts are essentially saying "Follow me" as they present their advice. The Divine never pressures a person into following anything. Instead, the Divine is always gently whispering, "I am here."
If we are truthful about our life experience though, it is obvious that as long as we believe we have something to lose because of our identification with any temporary exterior condition or circumstance, we remain subject to every outer condition.
As you persist with the intention to slow down, you will gradually come to see that underneath your rushing is an agitation that is actually meant to stir a higher awareness in you.
Guy Finley talks about how rushing and being chronically late for appointments is connected to an unseen greedy nature that is always attempting to reconcile the moment in accordance with its own selfish interests.
In this brief clip, Guy Finley explains that "multitasking" is actually the expression of a form of greed, which has its root in fear.
The more clearly we can see that it's impossible to reach a place of rest by rushing to get there, the sooner we'll arrive at the true solutions that allow us to relax, slow down, and realize the relaxed pace of an inwardly liberated life.
If anxious thoughts and feelings had any power to help us reach some place in life where, finally, we'd be released from the pain of always feeling rushed... don't you think we'd have reached there by now!...
No anxious state could exist without your false belief that who you are -- your well-being -- is connected to something happening exterior to yourself.
There may be no greater self-deception than the false notion that rushing through anything actually helps us in any way whatsoever. After all, if anxious thoughts and feelings had any power to deliver us to a place or time where peace awaits, don't you think we'd have gotten there by now? Let there be no mistake here: *When it comes to being in a hurry, what difference does it make how fast y...