The depth to which we see something is directly proportionate to the consciousness that is attending to what is being presented in the moment. As we are now our lives are very superficial. But we're meant to be in relationship with life at a much deeper level.
Topics covered: Everything that happens to you is meant to be a lesson learned; What you need to be rescued from is yourself; Instead of using energy to build something for oneself, the spiritual aspirant instead uses that energy to discover more about him or herself; Your experience of life is a direct reflection of your consciousness; You can't run from suffering and ever understand its real source...
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Topics covered: Most of us have agreed to settle for a life that is "not as bad as that other person's life."; We presently set out on a search outside of ourselves to find a life without fear, not understanding that it is all an interior matter and that we do not have to go anywhere in order to find out for ourselves; In negative imagination we struggle to make real what is already real.
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Topic: Everything You Need to Know to Change the World You See (6/30/19 Classroom Talk)
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Topic: Everything You Need to Know to Change the World You See (6/30/19 Classroom Talk)
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Everyone suffers at some time. It's the nature of life. But there's a great secret about suffering most people don't know. Suffering has a higher purpose that, once understood, can help transform us into the fearless, compassionate, loving people we're meant to be. Use what you learn in these powerful talks to prove for yourself that whatever life brings can ultimately be for your true good.
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Classroom Talk: 2/19/2020 - We may discover ourselves -- or (psychologically) defend ourselves -- but, as long as we choose the latter, we will never succeed with the former, let alone hope to realize... "the Truth that sets us free."
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This content is only available with All Access Membership
This content is only available with All Access Membership