In this short video clip, Guy talks about two words that we can use in our relationships with others for the purpose of exposing the part of us that wants to gain a personal advantage at the expense of what is true.
When we apply a label such as "passive aggressive" to someone who bothers us, we cease to have direct contact with that person and instead meet them only through that idea, which prevents any kind of learning. We must work instead to allow the revelation of the nature that has been disturbed within us so we can see the fear that hides beneath it.
Announcing the worldwide release of best selling author Guy Finley's new book "The Secret of Your Immortal Self: Key Lessons for Realizing the Divinity Within." Here's your chance to master an extraordinary kind of wisdom unlike anything you've ever heard before... and receive 5 free gifts from Guy. Click here for details.
The first step in harmonious relationships is simple: We need only realize the spiritual truth that we cannot meet someone whom we are not like in some way.
Many times the very thing we want from others is the very thing that we ourselves either lack at the moment or otherwise somehow are withholding from them.
Trying to resolve the pain within us by holding others accountable for it is like looking out at a field we have planted on our own property and wishing, every day, something other than what grows there would take hold and flower. If we wish to have true harmonious relationships with others, then it is we who must change. We must assume responsibility...
Without reverting to their lower level, how do you get people to stop making their hurtful, cut-down remarks? One of the reasons people pounce on or attack us the way they do, is that they are feeding off of us in many different ways, especially when we return a negative energy. For an amazing experience, try sometime consciously refusing your own negativity in the face of someone else's.
In my job I must deal daily with several emotionally dark coworkers. What can I do to handle this situation better, besides getting another job? I know that it is difficult to be surrounded by toxic people; however, as difficult as this is to understand, your present work circumstance is perfect for your continuing development, if you understand how to use it. I say...
Real Life is change itself, a ceaseless flow of creative forces expressed in ever-new forms. So, our inability to make a fresh start isn't because Life refuses us what we need to succeed. The problem is this: before we can hope to make a real new beginning in life, we must deliberately...