Compassion for others starts with the understanding that every human being on the planet looks different from us -- because physically we are different -- but inwardly we all live in the same pool. We all have pain and pleasure, we all share emotions that move in waves through that pool. People may live on the east bank of the pool so that the waves they know are different from the waves we know on the west bank, but if we look close enough...
Within each of us lives a tireless, latent longing to touch -- and be touched by -- life's invisible celestial forces. For instance, whenever we stand as a silent witness to the endless expanse of a dark night sky, we are inwardly moved by this outer display of timelessness spread out above us...
"Father, forgive them: for they know not what they do." Guy Finley explains that real forgiveness is an act of realizing the similarity between yourself and those that have caused you suffering, because you understand they suffer in the exact same way that you do. The scripture "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do" points to this type of "immaculate compassion" towards others which...
In this brief answer to a viewer's question, Guy explains that honesty begins with seeing ourselves as we are, and that lying to ourselves is what leads to unkindness.
The power of being unconditionally kind towards those who unconsciously hurt us is just one of the gifts of higher love. In a way, it gives our heart "eyes" that can see what they were blind to before. For example, by its light we're able to see that the needs of others are really the same as our own, an insight that makes it impossible to mistake their pain as being somehow less...
Life, in its expressed perfection, provides endless possibilities for an individual to understand humility. As you catch the part of you that wants to be or express what you know is not good for you or others, there is humility in just seeing how attached you are to your own will and compulsive behavior. The day will come where you're able to not express this lower nature, and you will feel gr...
When we apply a label such as "passive aggressive" to someone who bothers us, we cease to have direct contact with that person and instead meet them only through that idea, which prevents any kind of learning. We must work instead to allow the revelation of the nature that has been disturbed within us so we can see the fear that hides beneath it.
With few exceptions, the usual focus of our attention and interactions with others is centered on our self and the fulfillment of its desires. "How do I feel about you?" "What do I want from him?" or "When will she realize that I know best?" In other words, the mindset of the false self, under most circumstances, is: "Me first." By forever placing its own considerations befor...
We must learn to take the true conscious initiative with each other and then -- based in our understanding of this great spiritual law that governs harmonious relationships -- make the effort to be to others what we wish them to be for us.
iving within us dwells an order of being that knows, without thinking about it, what is authentically good for us and others.
Guy Finley talks about the unnecessary pain that is produced by a breakdown in communication, which is resolved by coming out of our mental dialogs and entering into a broader awareness that is instantaneous communication.
As you persist with the intention to slow down, you will gradually come to see that underneath your rushing is an agitation that is actually meant to stir a higher awareness in you.