Topics covered: The degree to which you see the truth of yourself is the degree to which you will be a free human being; It is in the revelation of your limitations that you are set free from identification with those limitations; Only human beings, no other creature, can decide for themselves what they give their attention to; It is impossible to see that Life is always changing until we agree to let Life change us as well...
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Classroom Talk: 5/1/2024 - Whether a captive of a moment -- or changed, and completed by it -- all depends on what we attend to in that same moment.
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Topics Covered: The comfort of certainty is the conflict with the moment; False certainty and conflict are one thing; You can't serve two masters, you'll love one and despise the other; Stay awake, watchful, a witness to what "Real I" in you must go through; Everything the mind formulates as the next freedom is the next prison; Give up the idea of "perfect"...
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Topics covered: Spiritual story about a knight who goes to rescue a princess imprisoned in a cave guarded by two chained dragons; Anything that is created is incomplete because it is connected to all other life; The activities we engage in is this unconscious nature trying to complete itself from the content of itself; All seeking starts on a false premise; What we seek is not the problem...
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As goes your attention, so comes your experience. As goes your attention, so comes your possibilities; All possibilities already exist within consciousness; Instead of being aware of all of our relationships, we presently think about our relationships; We presently experience the world only from the outside-in, whereby the outside world must line up with ideas of how events should unfold...
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This content is only available with All Access Membership
This content is only available with All Access Membership
This content is only available with All Access Membership
This content is only available with All Access Membership
This content is only available with All Access Membership