We are born hungry. We not only require food that we take in with our mouths, but we all have an innate need to take in impressions -- to take in the nourishment that stimulates our mind, that moves our heart, and that works to give us a sense of satisfaction in life. When we're young, we have a natural appetite for life, and we are educated by going out and engaging in the world...
It feels like I have been a seeker forever, but have not yet found the enlightenment I have been seeking. Is enlightenment something that happens, or is it just an understanding?
The kingdom of heaven is seen only through an open heart. And the only way in which a heart opens is when an individual begins to understand that there's nothing in creation that can hurt who and what you are.
In this short video, Guy Finley talks about why anything that we are not aware of -- both internally and in the external world -- affects the way we feel and directs our actions accordingly. Becoming conscious of our interior state as well as our immediate external environment allows us to see tension and anxiety that is present within us without letting it take us over.
In this short talk, Guy Finley talks about why anything that we are not aware of -- both internally and in the external world -- affects the way we feel and directs our actions accordingly. Becoming conscious of our interior state as well as our immediate external environment allows us to see tension and anxiety that is present within us without letting it take us over.
In this short talk, Guy Finley talks about how real change in our exterior world begins with being in right relationship with what appears in our interior world. Nothing changes on this Earth that doesn't have its beginning in Heaven.
Announcing the worldwide release of best selling author Guy Finley's new book "The Secret of Your Immortal Self: Key Lessons for Realizing the Divinity Within." Here's your chance to master an extraordinary kind of wisdom unlike anything you've ever heard before... and receive 5 free gifts from Guy. Click here for details.
In this short talk, Guy Finley talks about how the descriptions and interpretations of what we experience in our lives can never be as complete as the pure meaning that is found within the direct relationship with the totality of ourselves in the moment.
We communicate spiritual principles to each other using words and ideas that our minds can put into a form that they can understand. We naturally experience something of the principles being communicated because there exists within us a corresponding reflection of these higher ideas. And we innately know the validity of what we are hearing or reading because of this inner resonance. Although...
Every single spider web that has ever existed has been an absolutely unique web. Every time a wind passes through a spider web there is a song that is being played, and because each web is unique, each song is a true original. Of course, you can't hear the song with your physical ears, but with your spiritual "ears and eyes", you know that a song is being played. Every human being is intended...
Real enthusiasm is expressed in us each time we encounter what we have never encountered before. And in that encounter, we have actually uncovered something within ourselves that we have never seen before. Most of us today live our lives on the sidelines...just looking at things. We don't really experiment with our lives anymore. But the truth is that every moment of your life holds the poss...
When untouched by the mind we can receive the whole of an impression and thereby be changed by it. Most of the time what we do is involve the mind in the impression by naming and describing it, and because of this we do not receive the whole impression, and therefore we are not changed.