What is this power that can show us the truth behind the mystery of who and what we are - even as it gives us everything we need to know? A few examples from the history of human discovery prove helpful in our inquiry...
If we want new answers to old self-defeating questions such as "Why me?" -- we're going to have to use our mind in a new way. If we want new answers, real answers, we need new questions. First, we must realize that our stressful experiences are not caused by people or events. They are caused by our reactions to them. I know this is different than most of us feel, and yet, we can see that we have changed the people and even the events in our...
Too often it happens that some people lose their interest in self-study. They give up on their inner work because they don't see the immediate results hoped for. If anything, in their growing awareness of what has always been their actual condition, it seems to them that they are now even deeper asleep than ever before...
Convinced that the limited world their own thoughts reveal is the only world there is -- and that this world holds the only possibilities there are -- most human beings spend the predominant part of their earthly lives being washed back and forth within the confined space between their past memories and future hopes. And the "reality" of this, their tiny thought world, goes on virtually..."
Topics covered: Relationships are a mirror; What we look at in life, even physically, stirs in us something spiritually; Beauty is in the eye of the beholder; We experience moment to moment the revelation of our own consciousness; Relationships are intended to continue to help us develop the capacity we have to act as the vessel of revelation; The purpose of a relationship is to take...
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Classroom Talk: 5/8/2024 - Here's why no rest can be found in the thought (of any time to come) regardless how temporarily comforting it may seem: there is no end to the thinker's desire to resolve the angst inherent in its own conflicted thinking...an endless search for a solution to its own unseen, self-induced suffering.
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Topic: Overthrow the Unseen King of Useless Actions and Start Ruling Your Own Life (Classroom Talk 9/20/23)
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Topics covered: To belong to the greater life that is eternal is the source of real joy in life; The real interior work is about helping a person remember what they have forgotten about what is true; The joy of being in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing, is that the moment is complete in itself. There is nothing residual; Psychologically and spiritually speaking, the only thing we ever...
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Classroom Talk: 9/20/2023 - To see that "taking thought" leads to naught... is the beginning of the end of all useless solutions.
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Topic: Freedom From Harmful Anger Starts Here (9/29/21 Classroom Talk)
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Topics Covered: We have never been angry at someone else without also being completely justified in that anger. The justification excuses us from examining whether or not the anger is harmful; Chronic repressed anger can and does harm the physical body, compromising our health, and it also corrupts the soul; The real pandemic is unchecked negativity in the form of anger...
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Topics Covered: Who is going to heal who?; How do I stop suffering?; Everything happens for a purpose; Relationship to reality; Finding our natural place in unwanted moment; The pain lies the not wanting nature, not in the event it doesn't want; Why do we stay with abusive people?; Wanting to remember the Divine; Making a new start, starting over; Stop hurting yourself...
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