The reason that we don't have peace is because of the way in which our present minds view the experiences we have with others and within ourselves. Our present nature takes everything personally. In fact, most of us don't know how to do anything other than to take something personally...
"Letting go" author Guy Finley explains that when a question includes the heart, the mind, and the body together, then the question is no longer in thought. It's no longer just a temporary emotion or sensation. It belongs to another order of being that is connected to a higher order of intelligence that will resolve the question.
In this answer to a viewer's question, Guy explains that following a higher will begins with seeing the lower will that currently runs your life. The more you see about yourself, the more you are able to choose to be in a higher order of relationship that alone has the power to change you.
In this short video, bestselling "letting go" author Guy Finley talks about the importance of continuing to do your interior work, especially in those moments when it seems that nothing in you wants to do it.
Real knowledge is a free-flowing river, ceaselessly pouring down from the Heavens into this world. We may learn to drink from it, freely... But only after we realize that to try and take something from it -- other than what we need to drink in the moment of our thirst -- is the same as poisoning ourselves, and never knowing it.
In this answer to a viewer's question, Guy explains that the task for us is not to try to suppress negativity through our own effort. Instead, the task is to watch, to be aware of the negativity so that its actual harmful nature can be revealed. Awareness already knows what to do with negativity without us having to think about it.
In this short video, Guy talks about how life itself never attacks us. Rather, real life is always trying to attract us to a new understanding that leads to a new life.
Whenever we can't understand the nature of some unwanted situation we fall, by default, into the hands of a nature whose answer to this ache is always the same: get negative and then try to protect ourselves from anything that can't be otherwise controlled. The rest takes place in us on automatic pilot:
There exists at all times a particular kind of field, an awareness that holds, and is intimately connected to, all that it is aware of within itself. As you see that we are all particles of God's consciousness, where everything in the field affects everything else in the field, you understand that you cannot continue to do to yourself and others what you have unconsciously done previously -- i...
In this excerpt from an hour-long talk, Life of Learning Foundation founder and director Guy Finley says that the only way we can see that something is working against us is when we allow resistance to reveal it. The full replay of this class is available in Guy's Online Wisdom School,, where you can join other true aspirants from around the world as we work to invite higher u...
In this short talk, Life of Learning Foundation Director Guy Finley explains that we as human beings are meant to be very sensitive instruments, never not being touched by Divine influences. Presently we do not have this sensitivity due to the influence of nonstop thinking.
Every human being is intended to be a kind of artist in the sense that we are created with the ability to be an instrument for transferring what is above to below. To be a real artist is to be present enough to the movement of a higher feeling within oneself which is then expressed as art in this world.