In this answer to a viewer's question, "letting go" author Guy Finley explains that you would not clash with life -- nor with yourself -- if you did not first cling to imagined ideas about peace and prosperity. Freedom from this conflict begins with witnessing the unfolding of this dynamic within yourself.
In a thousand different ways, we are meant every day to begin to realize that it’s so easy to just run on automatic. Everything just goes on, doesn’t it? It just goes on. Sometimes it’s good. Sometimes it’s bad. But it just goes on. We are meant to understand that as long as we live from...
Topics covered: Tapping Into The Powerful Resource of Effective Prayer; Our life moment to moment is a ceaseless interaction with a matrix of divine and earthly energies that always respond in appropriate measure to whatever we as human beings put forth into that life; Prayer is for the betterment and perfection of ourselves, but it also serves unknowingly as the source of a punishment if we're not aware of ourselves...
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Topics covered: One particularly pervasive lie in our culture is that we believe that we are only as valuable as other people see us as being; Until what is concealed in us is revealed, it can never be healed; "This above all: to thine ownself be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man." -- William Shakespeare
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Student Talks: 5/24/2024 - Key Lesson: There is no distance, no time or space in seeing what is; And what is speaks for itself, which means no thought is required to understand what is being revealed in the space of some troubling time. This clarity is choiceless strength, as well as its right use, all at the same time.
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Topics covered: We have truth classes so that we can all experience and see the same understanding; Every insight that is put into words is a form of knowledge, and knowledge by its nature is always incomplete, so you can't take knowledge to be the end of understanding; My opposition to unwanted moments is that I feel as though something is being taken from me or threatened...
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Classroom Talk: 5/19/2024 - There is no distance, no time or space in seeing what is; And what is speaks for itself, which means no thought is required to understand what is being revealed in the space of some troubling time. This clarity is choiceless strength, as well as its right use, all at the same time.
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Topics Covered: You can't separate an imagined fear from the self that believes what it has imagined; "I was born when all I once feared, I loved"; Attention establishes relationship through becoming conscious of an existing link; Resistance is the first form of all complaint; There's no such thing as a time to come when everything comes up roses; The "no frame" moment; All I see is what I don...
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This content is only available with All Access Membership
This content is only available with All Access Membership