In this answer to a viewer's question, "letting go" author Guy Finley talks about the difference between observing a particular psychological condition -- such as feeling a lack of energy -- and resisting the condition.
Where is my attention? Guy Finley explains why this is an important question. The resistance I feel when things don't go the way I want them to go isn't resistance to what's happening but to my unseen expectations of how I think things should be. Then my mind connects my attention to my body, and my body literally becomes a mirror of that internal conflict.
Outgrowing the problems created in the way we think begins with realizing the need to not only understand the nature of these invisible building blocks known as our thoughts, but to be able to peer into the structure of the invisible world these same thoughts create.
When you don't -- when you consciously won't -- express some negative state, you are literally asking for awareness of a higher self.
The awakening mind is fully capable of recognizing the difference between states of darkness and light, between what "serves" and what "steals" the new life stirring within us.
In this video, Guy Finley talks about how trying to support an illusion steals our energy, as well as the energy of others. Real life does not drain a person of energy. Allow the moment to reveal the parts of us that are making this futile effort to be something that we imagine we are supposed to be.
In this short talk, Guy Finley talks about how we must learn what it means to wait on God if we wish to be connected to more than just the temporary sensations of passing time.
The spiritually awakened life is not something that one achieves -- the true higher life comes to us naturally and reveals and expresses itself in anyone who realizes that this living light within us is always present.
In this short talk, Guy Finley talks about how we are always being acted upon, moment to moment, by certain kinds of energy, and the degree to which we possess command of ourselves is determined by whether or not we are aware of these same forces acting within us.
Just as the caterpillar must let go of what it has been in order to realize the butterfly it's created to become, so too we must yield to what is above us if our wish is to know its freedom as our own. As in the eternal relationship that exists between the greater and the lesser: the greater is continually pouring out its life, giving its light to the lesser. This means that *the lesser is mad...
In this revealing short talk, Guy Finley explains that the only way to realize our true possibilities is by going all the way to the very end of things, because nothing good or valuable ever comes from half-actions.
Remember Yourself and Realize Freedom...