We can't really know love's power to free us, to fulfill us through our relationships, until we gain some totally new ideas about how to see, and then interact with others. Not just a rehash of our past failed viewpoint; we know that path is powerless to heal the aching heart. An altogether higher view is called for. We need to be able to see others through the "eyes" of a completely fresh understanding...
For the majority of us, what we call being renewed has nothing to do with what is real renewal. Mostly what we feel as renewal is when some idea or a hope that we have gets fulfilled, filling us in turn with a sense of excitement; and then, in that feeling of being full of ourselves, comes a certain kind of pleasure that we take as being the same as self-renewal in this life.
The universe is a work being continually perfected; though unseen, it is justice, compassion in action. Those who resist and resent what comes their way -- who fight with its unending waves that rock their contrived sense of reality -- are actually the ones who live without real choice. They must serve their struggle to resolve the sense of loss that comes each time the world changes without first having consulted them.
What is behind the fear of unwanted change? The uninvestigated mind says that I'm going to sustain a loss: "he's going away," "the business is slipping," etc. The fear of loss is connected in our mind with the image of what had previously given us the feeling of succeeding. So now here's reality, and it's pretty different than our image of what should be, and we'd rather live with the image...
The better we understand the unique power of being "passive"- and how it serves as the secret consort of all things active - the more we grow in the faith we need to be wisely passive toward whatever fears remain in us about letting go of our false self. This is why we should take time each day -- as often as possible -- to quietly return to the living Light that dwells in the...
There is really no such thing as a "new year." What does exist is the rare human being who has entered into a relationship with Truth. That man or woman is renewed moment to moment to moment. If we are not renewed, then by default we are reliving the past, which makes it impossible for us to experience anything new.
The kingdom of heaven is seen only through an open heart. And the only way in which a heart opens is when an individual begins to understand that there's nothing in creation that can hurt who and what you are.
Life of Learning Foundation founder and director Guy Finley explains that the beginning of freedom is in the awareness of our inner captivity. The full replay of this class is available in Life of Learning Foundation's Online Wisdom School, GuyFinleyNow.org, where you can join other true aspirants from around the world as we work to invite higher understanding into our lives. Members of the on...
Since real life renews itself every microsecond, then whatever moment our mind keeps pointing to from our past can't possibly be the real reason for our present pain.
Guy Finley explains what is needed to initiate a true change in our character so that we can begin to fulfill our higher purpose.
In this short talk, Guy Finley discusses the difference between mere intellectual knowledge and the integration of that knowledge through having a direct relationship with the truth that shows us our actual condition.
There is no real reason why our lives should ever seem stale or feel futile because real life, of which we are a part, is always new right now.