Technology seems to be empowering human beings when in fact it is enabling an unconscious part of us that is incapable of growth. Once this becomes clear you can start to recognize it isn't that technology is leading humanity, but instead we are being led by an unconscious nature that is developing technology to enable its authority over humanity.
When the mind is asleep to itself, fearful imagination kicks into gear whenever unwanted events occur. We then resist the very outcomes that we have imagined, and then we end up looking for something outside of us for rescue. In this question and answer session, Guy Finley talks about why the right answer in these moments is always to slow down, wake up, and become watchful.
Guy Finley explains that instead of being disappointed when others don't live up to our expectations, we can use their manifestations to remind us of our wish to properly fulfill the purpose of our existence.
It is within relationships that we grow as individuals in everything valuable, because it is through them that we become stronger and wiser, allowing us to realize a love that transcends our unseen self-limiting self-interests. What do we have to do to change the balance sheet of our lives so that for every measure of impatience and intolerance there may be at least an equivalent sum of co...
When we're in pain most of us will do whatever seems necessary to bring relief. Almost any behavior can be justified when pain pushes us far enough, but we need not, and must not, handle it as we've always been directed to in the past. What we do need is to grow in our understanding of it. There are many things that have happened and that are happening in this world that are, at best, diffic...
In case you did not hear the news, a young man was trampled to death on "black Friday" at a Wal-Mart in New York by more than two thousand people who broke down the doors at 5:00 AM in a mad rush to secure the best holiday deals for themselves. When we hear about events like this, a person can't help but wonder, "What in the world happened?" The official excuse for what caused the mob to rush...
Topics covered: Our understanding is always somewhat incomplete; Limitation is an invitation to transcend resistance to what's unfolding within and around us; We are a race of beings that have lost our way; Our environment is meant to be used as a mirror for revealing my attachments; The purpose of life is to be in relationship with that which created us; We're intended to be so present that t...
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Topic: 7 Words That are the Seed and the Fruit of Self-Liberation (Remastered Classic Talk) (Classroom Talk 1/15/25)
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Topic: In Search of the Pearl of Great Price (Classroom Talk 11/6/24)
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Topics covered: What you suffer from and don't know that you suffer from are all of your solutions to your suffering; What is the one thing you always do in a moment you fear or dread? You look for a way to rescue yourself; Your rescuing actions are inseparable from the moments that you feel are wrecking your life; What is it that gives me the solution to my reactions? The consciousness that has that reaction...
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