Every moment has a voice. The present moment is a voice. The moment is always communicating. It is the ground of communication between worlds, and it turns out to be the communication too. Have you ever been outside, lost in thought, and then suddenly seen something beautiful? Did not that moment of beauty communicate with you a quality that you weren't...
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Topics covered: There is no becoming in the Kingdom of Heaven. In that Kingdom it is already done. You are separate from that Kingdom because of a misunderstanding about your true nature; "From unreality lead me to the real, from darkness to the light, from death to immortality." -- The Upanishads (circa 800 – 200 B.C.E.); Somehow you are going to have to die to everything that you think you are.
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Student Talks: 11/12/2021 - Key Lesson: We must make -- and keep -- a special place within us for what we love; otherwise, our heart becomes an overnight motel filled with the visitations of a thousand fickle lovers... not one of which is capable of loving anything other than itself.
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Topics Covered: It is destructive to hate another human being. It is destructive to be afraid. It is destructive to rush, to be anxious, to worry; The unconscious mind is forever bringing up something that it can identify with; The realization of a new possibility is the same as becoming aware of an old limitation; What determines our possibilities in any given moment is what...
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Topics Covered: Our true nature must be returned to it's authentic, original place in the scheme of creation, where it is properly nourished. But how do we return to this celestial home that is within?; Our relationship with the Divine is only entered into by the realization of a new order of attention; As goes our attention so comes our experience. Without attention, there is no connection...
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Student Talks: 4/30/2021 - Key Lesson: Every truth ever discovered -- each new light that will ever burn bright -- already exists in our consciousness. All we will ever know and share about love, humility, compassion, and sacrifice -- the secrets that will reveal and then resolve old sorrows -- awaits us within ourselves. Hidden in this truth...
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Topics Covered: Freedom is in seeing the nature of what imprisons us, which can be done any time and place; The whole idea of escaping from yourself or from the world is a waste of time and energy; When you are reminded of something, you are being reintroduced to something that has always existed in your consciousness; Our consciousness doesn't just reflect the world around...
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Classroom Talk: 12/08/2024 - We are not bound by any unwanted condition, but rather by our failure to realize that we've become unwitting prisoners of our own misplaced attention. Which means that before we can liberate ourselves from this bondage, we must first do the inner work it takes to free our attention from the unconscious nature that misdirects it.
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Classroom Talk: 11/7/2021 - We must make -- and keep -- a special place within us for what we love; otherwise, our heart becomes an overnight motel filled with the visitations of a thousand fickle lovers... not one of which is capable of loving anything other than itself.
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