The realization that there are parts of us that are against us can hit us with a jolt. But when we see that these wrong parts have actually created the pains that they then falsely promise to free us of, we eagerly seek -- and find -- the real Friend who will bring all pains to an end.
Can you think of a way in which you regularly sabotage yourself? You sabotage yourself when "something" in you acts against yourself. Now, for most of us, we have a passing understanding of an idea like that because we recognize that we don't want to hurt ourselves. We don't want to hurt others. We don't want to be a burden to this planet. We don't want to do a lot of the things we do.
In this one-minute wisdom video clip, Guy Finley talks about what we need to do to have a truly abundant life that is rich with revelation.
Nobody begins self-study as an "A" student. In fact, real self-study begins with becoming aware of just how unaware we really are. Don't let this last thought throw you! It's wise to see where our wisdom was only an assumption. This allows real wisdom, real self-knowledge, to grow. And this explains why some of our most important first lessons come when we set an exercise...
Anytime you blame someone else for how you feel, you avoid seeing your pain is self-inflicted by a level of consciousness that lives to have enemies.
Every living thing is searching for something to fulfill itself. Raindrops rush down to slake the thirst of a parched earth, even as water-laden clouds are drawn high into the skies so they can pour themselves out. Streams seek out rivers that rush down to merge with the sea. It's really quite clear: the great circle of life is imbued with a unique kind of "gravity."
There is no greater feature that we human beings have than the presence of a living Light within us whose very nature knows what is our own and what is not our own. When at last we let go of all that is not our own -- all the mistaken conclusions and the painful contusions they cause as we anxiously search to remedy what ruins us -- we find that we already have everything we have ever needed.
Even though we often find ourselves feeling so, in truth... there is no such thing as being powerless. We see how a person who resists life--who hates or fears unwanted changes--becomes the instrument of a power that effectively renders him powerless to do anything but struggle. But we've seen the converse as well...
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Topics covered: "Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these." -- New Testament; Everyday you make choices that are given to you by something that is stealing your life; You believe that you are making an intelligent choice when you are afraid. You believe that the fear will deliver you from fear, that the anxiety will deliver you from anxiety, that the doubt will deliver you from doubt, etc.
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Topic: Free Yourself from the Painful Struggle Hidden in this Unseen Act of Self-Sabotage (Classroom Talk 10/25/23)
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Topics covered: It is time for individuals who want to grow up to realize what it is that is actually set against them. It is the interior conflict of a consciousness that does not know it is set against itself; There is no such thing as a moment in time until all possibilities are collapsed into a single thought; We are unconscious of our role in the creation of the events and circumstances that we perceive to be outside of ourselves...
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