There is not a person on earth that does not suffer from what something inside of him or her loves. A man who is addicted to a drug suffers over what something within him loves, at the cost of his own mortality. A woman with a gambling addiction suffers because of what something within her loves, at the cost of her finances, relationships, and integrity.
We spend our time doing what we love. We experience moment to moment what we love. Whatever we attend to is what we grow into. If you want to have a different experience of life, you are going to have to start loving something that genuinely loves you.
What you attend to during your day is what grows in your heart. What you spend your time planting, watering, harvesting, and then replanting is what grows in your heart. The love of God cannot grow in the heart of a man or woman who attends to nothing but the mechanical necessities of life. This is why your heart is dry. Your heart is dry because you never water it.
You'll never regret making the extra effort of attending to the present moment. One day you'll be so glad that you never gave up the effort of planting and replanting the seed of this love that is currently unknown to you. Become aware of the fact that there is something else, something higher, that you could love, and in doing that you will see clearly that your experience of life is a product of what you currently give yourself to.