Topic: Let Go of These 4 False Beliefs and Be Free! (7/1/20 Classroom Talk)
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Classroom Talk: 7/1/2020 - Most of our fears are based in a false belief that life can throw something at us greater than our ability to rise above it, or whatever frightens us about it. But this mistaken perception is as false as are the limitations it imposes on us. Our True Self never fears unforeseen changes in life any more than the sun...
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Topics Covered: Transform problems into powers; Rush of thoughts and feelings; The real nature of any crisis; You go on without me; Awareness of consciousness instead of being the unconscious instrument of it; Control is an illusion; Who you are doesn't need control over anything; Use negative reactions to discover something about the consciousness....
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Topic: Free Yourself From the Fear of Empty Moments (3/22/20 Classroom Talk)
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Topic: Free Yourself From the Fear of Empty Moments (3/22/20 Classroom Talk)
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Topic: Free Yourself From the Fear of Empty Moments (3/22/20 Classroom Talk)
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Classroom Talk: 3/22/2020 - A brief, but important glimpse into the truth behind the idea of "spiritual" poverty: only from nothing can God make us into something new.
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Student Talks: 7/26/2019 - Key Lesson: Patience always "wins" the day, but only if, and as we agree to finish the "race."
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Student Talks: 7/12/2019 - Key Lesson: Trying to elevate the quality of our life experience -- with all of its delicate relationships -- without first working to realize and rise above the limitations inherent in our present level of consciousness... is like trying to shake the dust out of a carpet, while you're still standing on it!
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Classroom Talk: 4/1/2020 - What power has any painful moment over us save for having become unconsciously identified with our own negative reaction to it. Seen properly, this means the event we blame for our suffering is like looking in a mirror... and blaming the reflection for whatever we don’t want to see in it!
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Topics covered: You get caught in "thought pockets"; Identification is exclusion and isolation; Awareness starts with being in your body; You can't give yourself the gift of life; Impatience hides itself through insistence; There needs to be freedom to see before there's freedom to be; Everything that comes out of a moment is already contained within it....
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