Guy Finley explains our role in finding real fulfillment and purpose.
Seldom do we know a greater need for making a fresh start than in those mind-numbing moments when we find ourselves feeling thrown for a loss. These feelings of loss often leave an unconscious, invisible residue of fear which tends to taint every area of our lives with distasteful timidity, born of the neurotic suspicion that in some way, life is conspiring to take something away from us. Bu...
In this video clip, Life of Learning Founder and Director Guy Finley tells us that the only thing we're captive of is not understanding who and what we are and why we are on this planet. The full replay of this class is available in Life of Learning Foundation's Online Wisdom School,, where you can join other true aspirants from around the world as we work to invite higher und...
Life of Learning Foundation founder and director Guy Finley explains that the beginning of freedom is in the awareness of our inner captivity. The full replay of this class is available in Life of Learning Foundation's Online Wisdom School,, where you can join other true aspirants from around the world as we work to invite higher understanding into our lives. Members of the on...
In this excerpt from an hour-long seminar, Guy Finley explains that "starting over" is not something that happens by creating a better set of circumstances for ourselves, but is instead a higher level of self, expressed through being in conscious relationship with a timeless order of your own consciousness. The full replay of this class is available in Guy's Online Wisdom School, GuyFinleyNow...
If you wish to enter into a new relationship with life you must be willing to challenge the voices of "I can't" or "I won't" or "I don't" when they appear in your mind. This is the only way you will discover that those voices are not really you.
When we meet our limitations head on we enter into relationship with a transformative power that enables us to transcend anything that would limit us.
Guy Finley explains that when we meet our limitations head on we enter into relationship with a transformative power that enables us to transcend anything that would limit us.
Guy Finley explains that we are not meant to worry about growing older. We are meant to welcome growing older as a natural step towards changing what we value most in life.
"Letting go" author Guy Finley tells a story about an owner of a golf driving range befriending a young player who, despite being a newcomer to the game of golf, does not let frustration get the best of him. Not getting negative over our mistakes allows us to learn from them.
Guy Finley explains that real freedom is not found through obtaining powers or possessions, but in understanding the "wanting" nature within us that feels a captive of anything that interferes with what it wants.
In this short talk, Guy Finley talks about how real freedom is finally found when we are willing to go through the pain of doing what is right.