- We are already a part of something whose power cannot be denied, even when it is refused
- Never run from the fear of feeling powerless, and if you don't run you will be given, by grace, the power to see that everything you feared was a lie
- The feeling of being powerless is in fact a doorway into a relationship with something that can never be made to feel powerless
- What we call a crisis always comes with a feeling of being powerless
- Real power isn't the ability to imagine and implement new solutions to old problems. Real power is connected to seeing that there is never a need to imagine new solutions whenever you feel powerless
- This lower level of consciousness is always dreaming up new powers -- a newly imagined future condition or identity -- in order to find relief from what it says is the cause of its pain
- We have the power to change where we live physically, but the level of consciousness that feels powerless does not have the power to end the feeling of restlessness that keeps us moving
- We have the power to create, pursue and acquire what we believe will complete us, yet in spite of the promise of freedom we hand ourselves over to a level of consciousness that is powerlessness itself. Its power is to deceive the human being that it acts upon
- What is powerless seems powerful when it is the active force that is guiding our actions. Anger, resentment, or any other negative reaction is not a power; it is a fake power. No negative reaction has the power to do anything other than make matters worse
- We are only as powerless as we are identified with the illusion that we need power to be at peace
- A crisis is being shown that the power we believed we had -- the power that we derive from our identity -- is not really a power at all. Negative reactions hide the fact that we are powerless when we are identified
- If who we think we are truly has power, then why are we afraid?
- Staying with the awareness of false powers -- that are trying to deceive you into following them -- is the same as stepping into the truly Divine power
- We have a part of us that can recognize that there is no need to search for powers in unwanted moments
- When I find myself in times of trouble... let me see
- No one is powerful who seeks power. The most powerful are those who understand that they do not need to seek power because they are already connected to the genuine source of power
- Human beings who are in the grip of any negative reaction are powerless while falsely believing that they have the power to change the conditions that they don't want, so that they no longer have to feel powerless
- There is no separate identity in the present moment
- We are essentially fighting with creation whenever we live with fear, resentment or any other negative state
- Two people fighting over who is the most powerful couldn't have less real power