Topic: Wade Into Real Life and Leave Fear Behind You (Classroom Talk 4/5/23)
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Classroom Talk: 4/5/2023 - Resisting the revelation of any existing limitation is like resenting the ocean because you never learned how to swim!
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Student Talks: 12/16/2022 - Key Lesson: Part 1: There is no solving the mystery of ourselves without having first solved the mystery of (our) pain... which is why so few become self realized, let alone set free. Part 2: The higher purpose of suffering is to ground us in the Existence and Presence of an altogether higher order of (our own) being... where neither passing time, nor its pain holds a claim on us.
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Topics covered: Anything that I think that I am, I fear that I am not. Fear is built into identification; The purpose of a true spiritual teaching is to develop the soul individually and collectively at the same time. It is not about "you"; We presently live in a spiritual darkness, and the purpose of spiritual work is to bring light into that darkness, but we have to be willing to allow that light to reveal and enact its Will...
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Topic: Walk Through the Fear of Limitation and Realize Endless Liberation (Classroom Talk 11/30/22)
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Topics covered: Every moment is intended to bear fruit, but we are not intended to decide what that fruit is to be; Nothing gets stronger without natural resistance. Human beings have the choice as to whether or not they will make use of the natural resistance that is designed to make everything stronger; The fulfillment of your possibilities does not depend upon the number of possessions that you own...
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Classroom Talk: 11/30/2022 - The often-painful experience of any personal limitation is our awareness of a difference between some higher ideal we feel drawn to actualize... and our (present) inability to fulfill that possibility; but, to be clear, this pain is not -- though it often seems to be -- proof that we've gone as far as we can go! In truth, the revelation of any limitation is a Divine invitation to walk into...
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Student Talks: 5/6/2022 - Key Lesson: Part 1: Until we can see that unconscious identification sits at the root of all useless suffering nothing real can change for us -- let alone within us -- save for what we're moved to imagine -- and then identify with -- as the next new solution to our pain. Part 2: False 'I' is a disease. Real I is the healing. Awakening is the prescription...
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Topics covered: Individuals who understand the futility of trying to save their own life -- through thought -- will gain their life; We must learn to use the presence of psychological pain as an invitation to not just question the things we believe are valuable, but to launch an investigation into how we ever came to that conclusion; Whatever we have become identified with over the...
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Student Talks: 3/11/2022 - Key Lesson: Coming to realize any limitation in our consciousness is not the denial of our passage into and through whatever may be the next stage of our inner development; all such revelations along the Way are, in fact, the threshold of an invisible door that -- if we will but dare to stand there -- knocking on it -- never fails to open, revealing a secret entrance...
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Topics covered: If you are going to be skeptical, then be skeptical about the inevitability of the pain and suffering that comes with struggling against the world; There is useless struggle, and then there is useful struggle. The proper kind of useful struggle is to peer into yourself so as to discover the truth of yourself; We are captives of our ideas about what it means to be free.
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Topic: Shatter the Painful Illusion of Self-Limitation (11/24/21 Classroom Talk)
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