Topics covered: Everything you need to know is shown to you each moment you are in, and it can’t be separated from the consciousness that is revealing it; We are on this planet because we have business to do in both this world and the higher world; Before it's possible for a human being to be themselves, they're going to have to discover what they actually are...
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Classroom Talk: 1/24/2024 - There is a big difference between making a mistake, and thinking of oneself as being a mistake; any compulsive wish to be seen as perfect in the eyes of the world is a punishment that can never be a part of true peace and contentment.
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Topic: Start Looking in the Right Place to Find Self-Liberation (Classroom Talk 3/23/22)
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Topics covered: Everything that takes place in creation is the expression of a Divine principle; When engaging in physical exercise, there is an agreement to meet and go through resistance. The same thing holds true spiritually/psychologically; On the other side of the resistance is the flow. On the other side of the resistance is the grow; The real world is a world of infinite, ceaseless influences acting on creation.
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Classroom Talk: 3/23/2022 - The spiritual body that alone can transform the pressure of unconscious opposing forces -- that learns to use them for the continued realization of its own innate perfection -- is further developed each time we struggle, as needed, to remember that nothing in this world (or the next) has the right to turn our own attention against us.
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Topics covered: The human being is the source of every mystery there is, and the human being also holds the answer to every one of those mysteries; The mystery of our relationship with God is not solvable by thought; Wars begin with individuals having lost sight of the source of conflict residing within themselves; It is upside-down to believe that the source of your experience...
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Classroom Talk: 1/12/2022 - Falling into fear or doubt when caught in the gravity of a painful moment does not prove the world has suddenly turned upside-down. This kind of suffering appears, as it does, for one reason, and one reason only: to help us see that what's upside-down is our priorities. To realize this as true is the first -- and pre-requisite -- step for anyone wishing to turn...
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Student Talks: 6/11/2021 - Key Lesson: Part 1: Only when, and as the Divine gives the aspirant what it is that his or her heart really longs for, does he realize that it would have been impossible for him to imagine, let alone ask for what he now begins to receive. Part 2: There is no "out there"... out there, as whatever appears to be "out there" has no...
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Topics Covered: All true teachings show us that we are on this planet as human beings for a purpose that is already laid out for us; When you do not know what to do with your own life, it is almost guaranteed that someone will show up to tell you; Either our lives bring us into relationship with something broader or we're wasting our time with what we call "our business"...
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Topics Covered: Self-acceptance is self-realization. The rejection of a moment is the same as resisting a moment of revelation; There is intended to be a release in each moment... if we are willing to accept the revelation in it; Conditions do not create conflict. The conflict is already there before the condition, and before we even know it. We come into the moment holding onto...
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Student Talks: 7/24/2020 - Key Lesson: Once we realize the only thing that makes some painful moment seem impassable is nothing more than our reluctance to assume responsibility for what that same moment has come to teach us about ourselves... we are well on our way to realizing a new order of freedom wherein all things are possible.
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Topics Covered: What difference does it make what others think of you?; A coward dies a thousand deaths; Do what is in your power and refuse to do what is not; Outgrowing beliefs involves exposing the consciousness that holds it; We are made aware of the sleeping consciousness when it resists; Awareness is the beginning of enlightenment, and enlightenment...
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