The Divine journey involves the preparation of an individual by another, higher order of awareness (that already lies hidden within us), so that we're able to see that the ceaseless, seemingly individual waves of the passing events of our lives belong to a much broader, grander relationship. And they exist for the purpose of our development, and not to torment us with what we fear is going to be washed away, or what we hope will be carried in on those waves to enrich us.
Let's make this personal. Have you ever been at work, at home, with others, when suddenly you felt anxiety? A sense of inadequacy? Loneliness? And perhaps the minute that negative energy started to move through your body, you suddenly recognized that you've had this same reaction a thousand times before!
We must recognize the almost endless cycle of pressure, anxiety, anger, and regret that always appears with the promise that if we follow that branch of negativity, it will lead us back to the source of understanding where we'll be free at last. In fact, that branch we're tempted to follow belongs to something that can never complete itself, and that requires our energy to sustain it.
Instead of trying to complete the moment through what anxiety, fear, or anger tell us to do, we must be completely present to those thoughts, completely present to that pain -- a pain that promises freedom in a time to come, but is really the continuation of the consciousness that is pain itself because it lives apart from the true Vine of life.
Instead of trying to untie all of this experience that seems to be the product of unwanted conditions we must try to control, our real task is to sever our relationship on the spot with anything in us that wants to continue trying to free itself in time.
This may sound impossible. We're concerned about what will happen to us if we don't serve that master. When the clock starts to stalk and we feel stress and anxiety, we wonder what will happen if we don't do again what has never freed us in the past, but we hope may work this time.
Keep moving forward anyway. If you work with this new knowledge, one day a fear will wash over you and you'll realize, "Fear is telling me what will happen to me if I don't do what it wants. But I don't have to listen to fear. If I do, the same thing will happen as has happened every time in the past. I must sever my connection to this old vine so I can be connected to the true Vine."
We'll never find the part of us that already knows what we need if fear is our guide. That higher consciousness is already within us. It belongs to the Vine and we are its branches. Our task is not to try to understand how to connect ourselves to it, but to discover where we continue to be deceived into staying connected to the wrong vine and serving what we fear when we're stalked by the clock that is a creation of our own consciousness.
Our task is simply to wait in the right place with it.