At all times everything, everywhere, is unfolding as it must. Getting stressed and struggling to change the outcome of any past event is like arguing with an echo to make it see your point of view. In down-to-earth terms, to resent the person who cuts you off in traffic does nothing to change either that scary moment now passed, or the sleeping nature of the one who endangered you. Yet we believe that our negative reaction has something of a corrective nature to it. The truth is that negative reactions of any kind do not correct the condition seen as being at fault; they actually serve to continue that unwanted experience. In fact, we accelerate the unwanted effect of any condition that we resist because -- by our identification with it -- we unknowingly become a part of what we don't want!
No moment can be different than it is; whether we like it or not means nothing, and our distaste for it changes nothing in what takes place before us. However, what does mean something is what we allow to happen within us in that moment, because as we are changed -- by what we see about ourselves -- so changes the moment itself.
It's what we do inwardly with what takes place outwardly that alone has the power to transform consciousness in a way that is truly positive for all. And when we are aware of this truth, and its vital relationship with all that is taking place, we begin to see how our true human responsibility and the higher purpose of this life are really one movement. It's why our interior work is so crucial to the enlightenment of human consciousness.
Will we choose to enter into the incorruptible present moment -- or continue to live from a nature that clings to imagined endings so that then it can complain about whatever disturbs that dream? Can we realize that everything that happens to us does so for the one purpose of revealing to us something of our present nature... and, in so doing, invites us to transcend who we have been? To know this is to see that everything in existence serves what is Good, leaving us free to choose to participate in life as it is.