Each time we feel an emotional pain, we should use that as a signal that we've made a mistake, that we've crashed and now need to find and try another new way. The problem for most of us is that we rarely allow ourselves to learn in this way. We have hundreds of experiences each day in which our expectations crash into reality. Whenever this happens, we have a close encounter of the truthful...
Which would you rather do? Be identified with all the things in life that come and go... so that this lower sense of self compels you to cry and worry and fight to keep everything in place? Or, would you rather be free of that lower nature that lives to cling... so that you're increasingly able to just let what "comes and goes" do just that... come and go with no further muss and fuss? We've...
The spiritually awakened life is not something that one achieves -- the true higher life comes to us naturally and reveals and expresses itself in anyone who realizes that this living light within us is always present.
That seemingly scary condition, whatever it may be, is not the problem. It's your reaction that has you shaking. And that's why, if you'll become conscious of a fearful condition instead of afraid of it, you'll change forever your relationship with fear. It's true. Being conscious of your fear empowers you to interact with it in an entirely new way. This new inner relationship gives you the p...
In this short video, Guy Finley explains that we are troubled by the behavior of other people only when we want something from them. When we begin to use our relationships for the higher purpose of self-understanding, we will find ourselves in effortless command of even the most difficult situations.
Guy Finley explains in this short talk that higher help is always freely given to us when we ask properly, but the "problem" is that most of the time we do not recognize, or reject the real help when it is offered.
Rather than defend our mistakes by finding excuses for them, we can understand that our refusal to learn the lesson at hand ensures we will meet that lesson again, along with its misery.
Guy Finley talks about the nature within us that seeks to condemn us even as it excuses what "it" has done. Whenever we are able to observe these two opposites simultaneously, a third force is awakened. This third force, which is higher awareness, holds the opposites and is perfect reconciliation.
In this short talk, Guy Finley talks about how the ending of large-scale wars in the outer world must begin with individuals who are willing to stop going along with the interior excuses that justify having enemies.
In this short talk, Guy Finley discusses the timeless beauty of music, and how when we find ourselves "tapping our feet to the rhythm," it is actually the expression in passing time of something timeless that already exists within us.
In this short talk, Guy Finley talks about the only true solution to anger, which is to atone for it in the moment by allowing the light of revelation to transform it, instead continuing to feed it through unconscious resistance.
In this video, Guy Finley talks about how our true interior work is about agreeing to stand within the light of awareness so that the parts of ourselves that are revealed can be changed.