Talk Takeaways
It is not we who are taking a journey... Rather, we are being taken on a journey. The journey is not through the world outside of us. The journey is into and through ourselves. The wisdom we seek is already within us.
Wisdom is understanding that the possessions of this world come and go.
There is no wisdom in having an enemy to resent. There is no wisdom in fear. Wisdom is seeing the futility in these negative states.
Our destiny is determined by our level of understanding. If our level of understanding does not change, then our destiny will be to repeat the same experience of ourselves over and over.
As long as we're looking for the wrong thing, we can never find the real thing that we really need.
Wisdom’s path to the happiness within begins when and where the seeker of it ends.
You always seek the confirmation of the consciousness that wants something, and what it wants, instead of its illumination.
We would not be looking outside of ourselves unless at the same time we were running from something. The consciousness that looks outside of itself lays before us the path that we should take in order to find what it wants.
The real definition of "profit" is to ascend and rise above yourself. A profitable human being is someone who gains wisdom.
Any thought that passes itself off as real understanding makes us a victim of our current level of understanding.
Real wisdom does not ever act against itself. Real intelligence never resists an unwanted moment. Real intelligence assists the birth of wisdom.
Our present level of understanding tells us that there is wisdom in resisting an unwanted moment.
Real life is unknowable, always giving you wisdom's path, which leads to a higher understanding of yourself.
In order for something to grow and be nourished, it has to have space. You wouldn't smother another person unless you were desparate to avoid spending time with yourself. It is love that allows another man or woman to be what they are.
We cannot accumulate understanding as a possession, but we can participate in understanding as it unfolds.
Real love is not divided up into a "you" and what "you" love. Love is not man-made morality. Real love does not have anything to do with thinking about yourself, especially in thinking about yourself as someone who is loving.