- The world inside of us is revealed by the world outside of us
- Life is a ceaseless process of revelation
- Living to escape a sense of inadequacy
- We become the servant of an image
- Pursuit of something outside of ourselves is futile
- Enlightenment is the moment in time when timelessness is expressed
- Truth belongs to another order of being
- The gates of heaven have heel marks in front
- Being inside while present to the outside
- Negative states are preceded by resistance
- Stop, Drop and Endure
- Reconciliation is an eternal process
- A meditative life connects us to a different order of being
- Energy is exchanged from top to bottom, individually and collectively
- Humanity has lost connection with awareness
- We are not our thoughts and feelings
- A closed system becomes entropic
- Life is not static
- Happiness does not fix unhappiness
- Agree to see what awareness is showing you
- The universe is in collaboration at all times
- We are each an important instrument to be used for Divine purposes
- Put knowledge in action.
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