Talk Takeaways
The world that we see outside of us is not apart from the world inside of us.
The reaction that you identify with determines the role you will assume in the attempt to reconcile the unwanted moment.
In moments that you say you can't stand, what you really can't stand is the experience of yourself.
What overwhelms you is not the event that is blamed. What you are overwhelmed by is the strength of your own unconscious resistance to what is perceived as an enemy outside of you.
Our mind returns to its own content in order to deal with problems that it created in the first place.
"The unexamined life is not worth living." "There is only one good: knowledge; and one evil: ignorance." -- Socrates
An enemy is anything that seems to challenge our sense of security, which is tied to our sense of identity. Our sense of security is the source of our suffering.
The judge believes that it is apart from what it is judging. The judge believes that it is superior to what it is judging.
When we feel threatened by something that may happen in a time to come, are we really being threatened by the time to come? No, the time to come has not happened. It is the unconscious mind feeling threatened by its own thought.
"If a tree falls in the woods, and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" If someone disrespects you, and there is no one there to feel insulted, does it make an enemy? The only way to have an enemy is through the action of an enemy-maker.
You cannot be identified with anything that isn't a product of the past. Turning to intellectual knowledge in unwanted moments will not work because it is the past.
We must agree to die to the past, and to do that we must agree to die to ourselves. The only way to die to ourselves -- which is the same as dying to our enemies and the past -- is by loving our enemy.
To love thy enemy means to embrace without resistance -- so that it can be revealed -- the lower nature that is called out in that unwanted moment.
If you really knew that what you are fighting with is the experience of yourself, then you would begin to bear the experience of yourself.
Loving the moment that you don't want comes out of the revelation that the moment is an enemy only because of the self that is identified with an imagined outcome.
Fear is always the activity of a mind that does not know itself.