Talk Takeaways
Until your attention is free, you are a captive of every condition that your attention falls on. To free your own attention means to possess your own attention.
"You never enjoy the world aright till the Sea itself floweth in your veins, till you are clothed with the heavens, and crowned with the stars, and perceive yourself to be the sole heir of the whole world, and more than so, because men are in it who are every one sole heirs as well as you." -- Thomas Traherne (1637 – 1674)
At any moment that you remember, you can work to reclaim your attention from what it had been unconsciously placed upon.
Beauty is a moment in which the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
To be aware that you exist is not the same as the sense of self that is created through thinking.
Most of humanity shoots their arrow, and wherever the arrow lands, then they draw the bullseye around it. In other words, most people believe that they intentionally place their attention on what they choose to. When we don't possess it, our attention is placed for us.
As goes your attention, so comes your experience. Your experience of life is a derivative of what your attention is placed on.
There seems to be a difference between the thinker and what it is thinking about. The thinker's experience seems to be caused by what is being attended to. The thinker must find something outside of itself to explain its experience.
Reactions appear and then disappear in the same moment. It is our own minds and imagination that reanimate the past through identification with the reaction, whenever our attention is captured by the reaction.
The mind is always attempting to find power over the experience of the moment that it does not want, but that it has created. In reality, there is power in the moment itself. not in the mind that looks for power.
Within the moment you don't want is the power to see the "you" that doesn't want it. There is nothing to do, only something to see.
Work to be aware of what is outside of you at the same time that you are aware of your reaction to it. Then the reality that the observer is the observed will become clearer and clearer, and you will want to stay there. You will want the experience of life instead of just experiencing your mind's reactions.
The world wants you to believe that you can have a life without struggle. There is no life without struggle. But when you begin to use the struggle, then you see the goodness in it.