Talk Takeaways
Intellectual knowledge is not the same as understanding. Do not mistake thinking for being.
A sudden sense of disturbance comes with the want of relief from that same disturbance.
What we really want relief from are the unseen part of our consciousness that by its very nature has attracted the conditions that it then seeks freedom from.
What is true refuses to live with conflict or act from weakness.
The consciousness that judges other people believes that it is separate from what it judges.
The so-called disturbance is life coming along and asking you to see if you really own what you think you own.
The negative reaction to the disturbance is evidence that we walked into the moment believing that we were owed something by life.
Life gives life in exchange for life. What do we give back to life?
Life is not taking anything real from you. Life is trying to give you something more valuable, more real than the illusions you are asked to let go of.
Relief from the disturbance cannot be found because it is a heavenly disturbance whose true purpose will not be denied.
There is no end to peace because there is no end to the genuine reconciliation of every disturbance when it is understood for what it is.
The first desire is the balancing that takes place when what is timeless meets what is in time.
Real humanity appears when a human being cannot hurt another human being.
The desperate search for happiness cannot take place without a part of your consciousness believing that it is owed that happiness.
To be free means to be free of wanting. If our true nature is already in relationship with what is whole, then why want?
We are in pain because of our certainty about what the nature of peace is.
Leave it to love. Leaving it to love includes not going into imagination about what that means. Stand there as a witness to the entire moment, including the nature of the disturbance.
If we make rules to live by, we will always need to make more rules when life does not obey the rules. We need Presence, not more rules.
You cannot grow into the known. The known is the past. You grow by entering into the unknown.
It is what we do with what we are given that will determine what we will be given next to see about ourselves.