Awaken the Indwelling Light of Christ - The Journey Beyond Mind to the Heart of the Cross

Awaken the Indwelling Light of Christ - The Journey Beyond Mind to the Heart of the Cross

The mystery of rebirth is a great puzzle. How can I be reborn into the person I wish to be? And what does it mean for my future as an individual? Guy Finley’s insights will help you see your life from a whole new perspective.

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Awaken the Indwelling Light of Christ

The Journey Beyond Mind to the Heart of the Cross

Easter is the holiest day of the Christian calendar. But its basic tenet is not just a Christian idea. Far from it. Every true religion has an observance or belief that, like Easter, recognizes the greatest mystery of all:

How to Unravel the Mystery of Rebirth

Here, at Life of Learning Foundation, Guy often speaks of the meaning and possibilities of rebirth during his talks. And Easter Sunday is always a special day for us, because that’s when Guy devotes a whole meeting to exploring the different facets of rebirth, and why the end of life as we know it is just one stage in an eternal process.

Over the years he has told us:

Life, in creation, is ceaseless change: it is a visible manifestation of an invisible Divine principle revealing itself through rebirth. We can either realize our existence within this eternal movement – as a designated part of its everlasting design – or we can continue to struggle with unwanted moments in the false belief that our pain over their temporary appearance somehow proves there's a flaw in the Celestial Plan.

And also this:

Rebirth is a reality, however know this: it is not a time to come but an eternal spring whose celestial seed awaits only for the willing heart and mind to begin its cultivation.

These are deep truths that carry profound meaning for the way we live our lives and face the experiences of every day.

At Life of Learning the subject of rebirth is a subject we ponder quite a bit, and it occurred to us that Guy’s yearly Easter talks provide an important resource for discovering more about this fascinating topic.

One of Guy’s greatest gifts is his ability to take a subject and look at it from different angles over a series of talks. With each talk he focuses on a different facet of the jewel, leading to a deeper understanding of both the important smaller details and the bigger picture.

For example, it’s important to realize that rebirth is not a one-time proposition. It is a ceaseless process of being reborn moment to moment.

And rebirth is not an airy-fairy idea that comes of saying some magic words.  It’s the result of devoted work of self-discovery that enables seekers to enter the timeless nature that is already the essence of who they are.

In the light of all this, we decided it was time to make it easy for aspirants to delve into the topic of rebirth by assembling a package of Guy’s talks on the topic. And so . . .

We’ve Put Together a Powerful eCourse of Past Easter Talks That  You Can Study and Gain Inspiration From for Years to Come.

We have compiled the audio files and transcripts of three of our favorite past Easter talks that we feel lay out the basics of rebirth. Like all of Guy’s talks, these Easter talks are filled with stories and humor and deep revelations, and you will want to listen to them again and again to broaden your understanding and glean every drop of their wisdom.

With this eCourse, Awaken the Indwelling Light of Christ: The Journey Beyond Mind to the Heart of the Cross, you’ll be able to take the spirit of Easter with you wherever you go for years to come.

These Easter Talks Will Open Your Eyes to Your Soul’s True Potential

I could try to describe to you some of the points Guy made during these talks. But better still, I decided to share with you some quotes from the three talks included in this package so you can get a real taste of the wonders you have in store:

Talk One: Don't Let This Unseen Form of Darkness Steal the Light Out of Your Life

  • We must begin to experientially understand the fact that there is within us another order of being – a kind of light whose presence is not just an illumination. It is the same as the energies needed for a transubstantiation of the character that comes into that light. This other order, this new order of being is what we are intended as human beings to enter in this life. It is called being reborn.
  • Into that tomb comes another order of light, another order of being that resurrects, that brings into that moment a completely different order of perception, a new way in which to see the world that I formerly took to be the only world there is.

Talk Two: The 4 Trials of the Heart Required for Rebirth in Christ

  • That's what rebirth is. You can be reborn. Something can transpire in you that brings the heart, the mind, and the body together into a singularity that, because it is now a singularity, has conscience, the beginning of the Christ nature. Conscience will never act against itself. The beginning of this birth of conscience begins with seeing ourselves and having enough character over time gradually to stop lying to ourselves and pretending to be something that we're not and above all to stop pursuing the futile things that come of struggling in this field of opposites in order to produce a time when at last we will be free. Only a human being who is reborn is free.
  • So I'm here on this earth, I'm in this body. It is occupied, brought to life necessarily. This nature lives, but it is no longer I, it is no longer who I am. That's what we're after. That's what rebirth is, a reversal. Then you'll understand Paul. Paul doesn't live 1800 years ago, 2000 years ago, none of these beautiful men and women lived 2000 years ago. Their bodies may have, but they're right here, right now inside of you, right this moment. That understanding, that life is in you right now, and then you get it: I've never been alone. Not for a split second have I been alone, not because I fantasize it, but because my heart, and my mind, and my body are the same heart and the same mind and the same body of those that have gone before me.

Talk Three: Ask Divine Love to Give You a Fearless Heart

  • By love we overcome death, for death is an act of love, not the end of it.  What if we knew that? What if, instead of reading the masters, spending time – if we're fortunate enough to be in any of their presence – we actually understood there's no death? And think for a moment what your life would be like. And I'm not just talking about the incessant human fear of their mortality. I'm talking about those moments in which it feels like we're dying because something has happened to us that we don't like, and how we struggle to keep alive the very thing caught in that crisis – that nature struggling, suffering instead of understanding that the moment has come about to produce a completely different understanding of ourselves in relationship to the moment. That’s what this talk is about.
  • We’re meant to celebrate the possibility and the experience of our own rebirth moment to moment once we understand the nature of it.

And there’s so much more in these talks. I hope you can sense how life-changing they can be, and how helpful they can be for your own spiritual progress.

Awaken the Indwelling Light of Christ: The Journey Beyond Mind to the Heart of the Cross is a 3-hour MP3 album. Each Lesson comes with a complete transcript you can refer to again and again. And you can download the MP3s to any of your listening devices and take them with you wherever you go.

The mystery of rebirth is one of life’s greatest puzzles. We all ask, “How can I be reborn every moment into the new, true person I wish to be? And what does it mean for my future as an individual?” Guy’s answers to these questions provide insight that will help you understand your life from a whole new perspective.

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Table of Contents

Talk One: Don't Let This Unseen Form of Darkness Steal the Light Out of Your Life

Talk Two: The 4 Trials of the Heart Required for Rebirth in Christ

Talk Three: Ask Divine Love to Give You a Fearless Heart

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