Topics covered: Light is always acting on matter to change it into a different form. The Will of Heaven is never not acting upon the will of the earth; We are made in the image of that which made the world. We are a microcosm of the macrocosmic life; We are meant to use the world as the mirror that it is, in which there is an awareness of Creator and creation, without needing to think about it...
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Topics covered: If you believe that you can lose your freedom, then you never had it to begin with; We are that which is used by the Divine, or we are not. If not, then there will always be an anxious attempt to achieve what freedom is imagined to be; Conflict in nature strengthens the whole of nature so that it comes out it more complete. Conflict for human beings always leads to more conflict and weakness...
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Topic: A Powerful Revelation to Help You Release Painful Negative Reactions (Classroom Talk 11/2/22)
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Topics covered: The more that you participate in a dark interior dialog, the darker it becomes; Anything that says you have a right to be negative is set upon the destruction of your soul; You are never going to think your way out of a negative reaction. The more you think about why you are negative, the more negative you become; Creation never stops completing itself through the relationships...
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Classroom Talk: 11/2/2022 - The only thing (in life) that goes from zero to a million miles per hour -- in a single painful movement -- are negative reactions; they are the unseen source of all self-compromising choices, driven on by an almost limitless dark kind of "anti-matter" called unconscious resistance.
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Student Talks: 1/21/2022 - Key Lesson: We have but a single thing to do to nurture the soul and, in turn, fulfill our role in the Greater Plan of Creation. Our one true task in Life is to complete the moment as it is given to us to do. This is the principal agreement, and in our obedience to its will is found not only our freedom... but the assurance of knowing that whatever...
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Topics Covered: The world itself is not upside-down. It is the way we see the world that makes it seem upside-down. What is upside-down is a consciousness that only sees what it wants; We are always given everything that we need to be whole, but we are unhappy because we can't see and therefore don't experience that fact; The purpose of your existence cannot be imagined...
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Topic: Remember this One Simple Fact and Set Yourself Free (5/26/21 Classroom Talk)
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Topics Covered: The inner work we must do is simple, but simple does not mean easy; The world is populated with people who measure their value, and the value of others, through their possessions. People believe that they will not have a life without what they want or don't want; All psychological fear is connected to an identity crisis. One of the root fears is that we will cease to exist...
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Classroom Talk: 5/26/2021 - The living Now -- pure Presence -- is not just an expression of perfect freedom; it is its center everywhere: the Ground from out of which all creation arises and returns again.
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Classroom Talk: 4/14/2019 - Trying to change our exterior relationship to life without having first allowed it to reveal what needs to be changed within us... is like trying to change our reflection in a mirror because we see something in it we don't like.
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This content is only available with Premium Membership