All of us have felt, at one time or another, trapped in our own life. During these periods of heightened unhappiness, one thing seems clear: the only reason we haven't realized our great potential is because we're being held back. There is some unpleasant person, an inescapable condition, some unwanted place in life where we got "stuck." So, over and over again, we plan our great escape. And over and over again we find ourselves either having gone nowhere or back where we started from, both results being the same. For all of our efforts, nothing really changes. New loves, new jobs, even new homes change only the walls that surround us -- not our feelings of being imprisoned. We sense that all we have done is changed cells! We mustn't fight with or in any way fear this shocking conclusion. Why? Because this temporarily disturbing discovery about our actual condition contains a crucial insight. It was never that person or circumstance that was blocking our moment in the sun. No! In spite of how things may appear to us, we are never trapped by where we are. The trap is always who we are. Here is a short summary of this new and unusual self-discovery:
When you run into a personal obstacle, you have not run into an outer condition that is denying you happiness. You have run into your own present life-level. Your level of being is what determines where you are at any given moment, because your experience is always who you are.
When you hear someone say, "I'm sick and tired of it," what they are really saying without realizing it is that they're sick and tired of suffering from their own lack of understanding. This all becomes clear once we understand that unhappiness does not come at us, it comes from us. For instance, impatience with our level of understanding is the very level of understanding we are impatient with. The understanding of this spiritual principle allows us to disconnect ourselves from our impatience. Life becomes instantly better. For one thing, the frustration fades. In its place, learning flowers. And the more we inwardly grow, the easier our whole life flows.
This new idea of acting to deliberately disconnect ourselves from whatever we think has us blocked leads us to true self-liberation because we have never been trapped by anything outside of our own lack of understanding. This is why even the attempt to disconnect ourselves from the limitations of our present life-level already belongs to a higher level of understanding. This conscious action on your part "works" by gradually breaking down the painful circle-of-self that is repeatedly formed by asking the problem for the solution. Barriers begin to crumble and disappear, because you have stopped creating them. In the truest meaning of the words, you are getting out of your own way! Practice self-disconnect as often as you can. The more you work at this special kind of letting go, the freer your days will flow and the higher your life will go.