Life wants us to know the meaning of it. It is an innate urge in us to know the meaning of our life, and it is right before us in the mirror of the present moment.
In this short talk, Guy Finley talks about how we are intended to actively use the gifts we are given so that we can begin to enter into an authentic relationship with the Divine.
In this podcast, Guy Finley talks about how something is always growing within us, but just like any garden that produces real physical food, what grows in our interior life all depends upon what we give our attention to in the moment.
In this enlightening short talk, Guy Finley talks about what it means for an individual to set out on the journey to true self-understanding.
In this short talk, Guy Finley talks about how we are introduced to our own higher possibilities whenever we are willing to be awake to what the present moment wants to reveal to us about ourselves.
In this short talk, Guy Finley talks about how we are all intended to understand the purpose of this life, which is to be a conscious participant in the moment-to-moment unfolding of this present moment.
In this podcast, Guy Finley talks about the true reward that comes with being willing to stand within what the light of awareness wants to reveal to us about ourselves.
Your nature is not fixed. It can be transformed. This amazing quality, the inherent potential mutability of our nature, is what sets us above all of God's countless other creations. And this fact about our unique nature also empowers us in a very special way. Each of us is created with the power to choose the course of our own destiny. But before you can change the course of and learn to des...
In this short talk, Guy Finley talks about the fact that we can grow into an ever-expanding relationship with truth because something of that truth already dwells within us.
In this short talk, Guy Finley explains how conscious awareness of tension is the birthing ground of revelation and self-discovery.
In this podcast, Guy Finley talks about how there is nothing in the world more practical than true spiritual principles.
If we're to succeed in our search for wholeness, we not only require a new and higher order of self-knowledge, but one that must also take us in a completely new direction.